What are the reporting requirements under the RFS program?

§ 80.1451 What are the reporting requirements under the RFS program?

(a) Obligated parties and exporters. Any obligated party or exporter of renewable fuel must submit to EPA reports according to the schedule, and containing all the information, that is set forth in this paragraph (a).

(1) Annual compliance reports must include all the following information:

(i) The obligated party's or exporter of renewable fuel's name.

(ii) The EPA company registration number.

(iii) Whether the refiner is complying on a corporate (aggregate) or facility-by-facility basis.

(iv) The EPA facility registration number, if complying on a facility-by-facility basis.


(A) For the 2010 through 2019 compliance periods, the production volume and import volume of all of the products listed in § 80.1407(c) and (e) for the compliance period.

(B) For the 2020 compliance period, separately, the production volume and import volume of all of the gasoline products listed in § 80.1407(c), the production volume and import volume of all of the MVNRLM diesel fuel products listed in § 80.1407(e), and the combined volume of all gasoline products and MVNRLM diesel fuel listed in § 80.1407(c) and (e) for the compliance period.

(C) Beginning with the 2021 compliance period, separately, the production volume and import volume for the compliance period of all of the following:

(1) All of the gasoline products listed in § 80.1407(c).

(2) All of the MVNRLM diesel fuel products listed in § 80.1407(e).

(3) The combined production volume of all gasoline products and MVNRLM diesel fuel.

(4) Distillate fuel that is not transportation fuel.

(5) Distillate fuel that is certified NTDF.

(vi) The RVOs, as specified in § 80.1427(a) for obligated parties and § 80.1430(b) for exporters of renewable fuel, for the reporting year.

(vii) Any deficit RVOs carried over from the previous year.

(viii) The total current-year RINs by category of renewable fuel (i.e., cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, renewable fuel, and cellulosic diesel), retired for compliance.

(ix) The total prior-year RINs by renewable fuel category retired for compliance.

(x) The total cellulosic biofuel waiver credits used to meet the party's cellulosic biofuel RVO.

(xi) A list of all RINs generated prior to July 1, 2010 that were retired for compliance in the reporting period.

(xii) Any deficit RVO(s) carried into the subsequent year.

(xiii) Any additional information that EPA may require.

(xiv)-(xv) [Reserved]

(xvi) The total current-year RINs by category of renewable fuel (i.e., cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, renewable fuel, and cellulosic diesel), retired for compliance that are invalid as specified in § 80.1431(a).

(xvii) The total prior-year RINs by renewable fuel category retired for compliance that are invalid as specified in § 80.1431(a).

(xviii) A list of all RINs that were retired for compliance in the reporting period and are invalid as specified in § 80.1431(a).

(xix) For parties that redesignate certified NTDF as MVNRLM diesel fuel under § 80.1408 at any time during the compliance period, the volumes MVNRLMBAL, MVNRLMO, MVNRLMINVCHG, and MVNRLMI as calculated in § 80.1408(a)(2).

(2) The RIN transaction reports required under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

(3) The quarterly RIN activity reports required under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(4) Reports required under this paragraph (a) must be signed and certified as meeting all the applicable requirements of this subpart by the owner or a responsible corporate officer of the obligated party or exporter of renewable fuel.

(b) Renewable fuel producers (domestic and foreign) and importers. Any domestic producer or importer of renewable fuel who generates RINs, or any RIN-generating foreign producer must submit to EPA reports according to the schedule, and containing all of the following information:


(i) For RINs generated beginning on July 1, 2010, RIN generation reports for each facility owned by the renewable fuel producer or importer shall be submitted according to the schedule specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section.

(ii) The RIN generation reports shall include all the following information for each batch of renewable fuel produced or imported, where “batch” means a discrete quantity of renewable fuel produced or imported and assigned a unique batch-RIN per § 80.1426(d):

(A) The RIN generator's name.

(B) The RIN generator's EPA company registration number.

(C) The renewable fuel producer EPA facility registration number.

(D) The importer EPA facility registration number and foreign renewable fuel producer company registration number, if applicable.

(E) The applicable reporting period.

(F) The quantity of RINs generated for each batch according to § 80.1426.

(G) The production date of each batch.

(H) The fuel type of each batch.

(I) The volume of ethanol denaturant and applicable equivalence value of each batch.

(J) The volume of each batch produced.

(K) The types and quantities of feedstocks and biointermediates used.

(L) The process(es), feedstock(s), and biointermediate(s) used and proportion of renewable volume attributable to each process, feedstock, and biointermediate.

(M) The type of co-products produced with each batch.

(N) The quantity of co-products produced in each quarter.

(O) A list of the RINs generated and an affirmation that the feedstock(s) used for each batch meets the definition of renewable biomass.

(P) Producers of renewable electricity and producers or importers of biogas used for transportation as described in § 80.1426(f)(10) and (11), shall report all of the following:

(1) The total energy produced and supplied for use as a transportation fuel, in units of energy (for example, MMBtu or MW) based on metering of gas volume or electricity.

(2) The name and location of where the fuel is sold for use as a transportation fuel.

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