Requirements for exporters of renewable fuels.

§ 80.1430 Requirements for exporters of renewable fuels.

(a) Any exporter of renewable fuel, whether in its neat form or blended shall acquire sufficient RINs to comply with all applicable Renewable Volume Obligations under paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section representing the exported renewable fuel. No provision of this section applies to renewable fuel purchased directly from the renewable fuel producer and for which the exporter of renewable fuel can demonstrate that no RINs were generated through the recordkeeping requirements of § 80.1454(a)(6).

(b) Exporter Renewable Volume Obligations (ERVOs). An exporter of renewable fuel shall determine its Exporter Renewable Volume Obligations from the volumes of the renewable fuel exported.

(1) Cellulosic biofuel.



ERVOCB,k = The Exporter Renewable Volume Obligation for cellulosic biofuel for discrete volume k in gallons. k = A discrete volume of renewable fuel that the exporter of renewable fuel knows or has reason to know is cellulosic biofuel that is exported in a single shipment. VOLk = The standardized volume of discrete volume k, in gallons, calculated in accordance with § 80.1426(f)(8). EVk = The equivalence value associated with discrete volume k.
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