What are the attest engagement requirements under the RFS program?

§ 80.1464 What are the attest engagement requirements under the RFS program?

The requirements regarding annual attest engagements in 40 CFR 1090.1800, also apply to any attest engagement procedures required under this subpart M. In addition to any other applicable attest engagement procedures, such as the requirements in § 80.1466, the following annual attest engagement procedures are required under this subpart.

(a) Obligated parties and exporters of renewable fuel. The following attest procedures shall be completed for any obligated party or exporter of renewable fuel:

(1) Annual compliance demonstration report. (i) Obtain and read a copy of the annual compliance demonstration report required under § 80.1451(a)(1) which contains information regarding all the following:

(A) The obligated party's volume of all products listed in § 80.1407(c) and (e), or the exporter of renewable fuel's volume of each category of exported renewable fuel identified in § 80.1430(b)(1) through (b)(4).

(B) RVOs.

(C) RINs used for compliance.

(ii) Obtain documentation of any volumes of renewable fuel used in products listed in § 80.1407(c) and (e) at the refinery or import facility or exported during the reporting year; compute and report as a finding the total volumes of renewable fuel represented in these documents.

(iii) For obligated parties, compare the volumes of products listed in § 80.1407(c), (e), and (f) reported to EPA in the report required under § 80.1451(a)(1) with the volumes, excluding any renewable fuel volumes, contained in the inventory reconciliation analysis under 40 CFR 1090.1810 and the volume of non-renewable diesel produced or imported. Verify that the volumes reported to EPA agree with the volumes in the inventory reconciliation analysis and the volumes of non-renewable diesel produced or imported, and report as a finding any exception.

(iv) For exporters of renewable fuel, perform all of the following:

(A) Obtain the database, spreadsheet, or other documentation that the exporter of renewable fuel maintains for all exported renewable fuel.

(B) Compare the volume of products identified in these documents with the volumes reported to EPA.

(C) Verify that the volumes reported to EPA agree with the volumes identified in the database, spreadsheet, or other documentation, and report as a finding any exception.

(D) Select sample batches in accordance with the guidelines in 40 CFR 1090.1805 from each separate category of renewable fuel exported and identified in § 80.1451(a); obtain invoices, bills of lading and other documentation for the representative samples; state whether any of these documents refer to the exported fuel as advanced biofuel or cellulosic biofuel; and report as a finding whether or not the exporter of renewable fuel calculated an advanced biofuel or cellulosic biofuel RVO for these fuels pursuant to § 80.1430(b)(1) or (3).

(v) Compute and report as a finding the RVOs for the obligated party or exporter of renewable fuel, and any deficit RVOs carried over from the previous year or carried into the subsequent year, and verify that the values agree with the values reported to EPA.

(vi) Obtain the database, spreadsheet, or other documentation for all RINs by type of renewable fuel used for compliance during the year being reviewed; calculate the total number of RINs associated with each type of renewable fuel used for compliance by year of generation represented in these documents; state whether this information agrees with the report to EPA and report as a finding any exceptions.

(vii) For obligated parties that redesignate certified NTDF as MVNRLM diesel fuel under § 80.1408, perform the additional attest engagement procedures described at § 80.1475 and report any findings in the report described in paragraph (d) of this section. Parties that do not incur an RVO under § 80.1408(a)(2)(i) and do not otherwise need to complete an attest engagement under this paragraph (a) do not need to arrange for the additional attest engagement procedures under § 80.1475 to be performed.

(2) RIN transaction reports and product transfer documents. (i) Obtain and read copies of a representative sample, selected in accordance with the guidelines in 40 CFR 1090.1805, of each RIN transaction type (RINs purchased, RINs sold, RINs retired, RINs separated, RINs reinstated) included in the RIN transaction reports required under § 80.1451(a)(2) for the compliance year.

(ii) Obtain contracts, invoices, or other documentation for the representative samples of RIN transactions; compute the transaction types, transaction dates, and RINs traded; state whether the information agrees with the party's reports to EPA and report as a finding any exceptions.

(iii) Verify that the product transfer documents for the representative samples under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section of RINs sold and the RINs purchased contain the applicable information required under § 80.1453 and report as a finding any product transfer document that does not contain the required information.

(iv) Verify the accuracy of the information contained in the product transfer documents reviewed pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section and report as a finding any exceptions.

(3) RIN activity reports. (i) Obtain and read copies of all quarterly RIN activity reports required under § 80.1451(a)(3) for the compliance year.

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