RIN retirement.

§ 80.1434 RIN retirement.

(a) A RIN must be retired in any of the following cases:

(1) Demonstrate annual compliance. Except as specified in paragraph (b) of this section or § 80.1456, an obligated party required to meet the RVO under § 80.1407 must retire a sufficient number of RINs to demonstrate compliance with an applicable RVO.

(2) Exported renewable fuel. Any exporter of renewable fuel that incurs an ERVO as described in § 80.1430(a) shall retire RINs pursuant to §§ 80.1430(b) through (g) and 80.1427(c).

(3) Volume error correction. A RIN must be retired when it was based on incorrect volumes or volumes that have not been standardized to 60 °F as described in § 80.1426(f)(8).

(4) Import volume correction. Where the port of entry volume is the lesser of the two volumes in § 80.1466(e)(1)(i), the importer shall calculate the difference between the number of RINs originally assigned by the foreign producer and the number of RINs calculated under § 80.1426 for the volume of renewable fuel as measured at the port of entry, and retire that amount of RINs in accordance with § 80.1466(k)(4).

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