What acts are prohibited under the RFS program?

§ 80.1460 What acts are prohibited under the RFS program?

(a) Renewable fuels producer or importer violation. No person shall produce or import a renewable fuel without complying with the requirements of § 80.1426 regarding the generation and assignment of RINs.

(b) RIN generation and transfer violations. No person shall do any of the following:

(1) Generate a RIN for a fuel that is not a renewable fuel, or for which the applicable renewable fuel volume was not produced.

(2) Create or transfer to any person a RIN that is invalid under § 80.1431.

(3) Transfer to any person a RIN that is not properly identified as required under § 80.1425.

(4) Transfer to any person a RIN with a K code of 1 without transferring an appropriate volume of renewable fuel to the same person on the same day.

(5) Introduce into commerce any renewable fuel produced from a feedstock, biointermediate, or through a process that is not described in the person's registration information.

(6) Generate a RIN for fuel for which RINs have previously been generated unless the RINs were generated under § 80.1426(c)(6).

(7) Generate a RIN for fuel that fails to meet all the conditions set forth in an approval document for a pathway petition submitted under § 80.1416.

(8) Generate a RIN for fuel that was produced from a biointermediate for which the fuel and biointermediate were not audited under an EPA-approved quality assurance plan.

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