What are the provisions for cellulosic biofuel waiver credits?

§ 80.1456 What are the provisions for cellulosic biofuel waiver credits?

(a) If EPA reduces the applicable volume of cellulosic biofuel pursuant to section 211(o)(7)(D)(i) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545(o)(7)(D)(i)) for any given compliance year, then EPA will provide cellulosic biofuel waiver credits for purchase for that compliance year.

(1) The price of these cellulosic biofuel waiver credits will be set by EPA on an annual basis in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section.

(2) The total cellulosic biofuel waiver credits available will be equal to the reduced cellulosic biofuel volume established by EPA for the compliance year.

(b) Use of cellulosic biofuel waiver credits. (1) Cellulosic biofuel waiver credits are only valid for use in the compliance year that they are made available.

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