What are the requirements of the Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) relating to ozone season emissions of nitrogen oxides from the Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing Industry?

§ 52.44 What are the requirements of the Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) relating to ozone season emissions of nitrogen oxides from the Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing Industry?

(a) Definitions. All terms not defined in this paragraph (a) shall have the meaning given to them in the Act and in subpart A of 40 CFR part 60.

Affected units means a glass manufacturing furnace meeting the applicability criteria of this section.

Borosilicate recipe means glass product composition of the following approximate ranges of weight proportions: 60 to 80 percent silicon dioxide, 4 to 10 percent total R2O (e.g., Na2O and K2O), 5 to 35 percent boric oxides, and 0 to 13 percent other oxides.

Container glass means glass made of soda-lime recipe, clear or colored, which is pressed and/or blown into bottles, jars, ampoules, and other products listed in Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 3221 (SIC 3221).

Flat glass means glass made of soda-lime recipe and produced into continuous flat sheets and other products listed in SIC 3211.

Glass melting furnace means a unit comprising a refractory vessel in which raw materials are charged, melted at high temperature, refined, and conditioned to produce molten glass. The unit includes foundations, superstructure and retaining walls, raw material charger systems, heat exchangers, melter cooling system, exhaust system, refractory brick work, fuel supply and electrical boosting equipment, integral control systems and instrumentation, and appendages for conditioning and distributing molten glass to forming apparatuses. The forming apparatuses, including the float bath used in flat glass manufacturing and flow channels in wool fiberglass and textile fiberglass manufacturing, are not considered part of the glass melting furnace.

Glass produced means the weight of the glass pulled from the glass melting furnace.

Idling means the operation of a glass melting furnace at less than 25% of the permitted production capacity or fuel use capacity as stated in the operating permit.

Lead recipe means glass product composition of the following ranges of weight proportions: 50 to 60 percent silicon dioxide, 18 to 35 percent lead oxides, 5 to 20 percent total R2O (e.g., Na2O and K2O), 0 to 8 percent total R2O3 (e.g., Al2O3), 0 to 15 percent total RO (e.g., CaO, MgO), other than lead oxide, and 5 to 10 percent other oxides.

Operating day means a 24-hr period beginning at 12:00 midnight during which the furnace combusts fuel at any time but excludes any period of startup, shutdown, or idling during which the affected unit complies with the requirements in paragraphs (d) through (f) of this section, as applicable.

Pressed and blown glass means glass which is pressed, blown, or both, including textile fiberglass, noncontinuous flat glass, noncontainer glass, and other products listed in SIC 3229. It is separated into: Glass of borosilicate recipe, Glass of soda-lime and lead recipes, and Glass of opal, fluoride, and other recipes.

Raw material means minerals, such as silica sand, limestone, and dolomite; inorganic chemical compounds, such as soda ash (sodium carbonate), salt cake (sodium sulfate), and potash (potassium carbonate); metal oxides and other metal-based compounds, such as lead oxide, chromium oxide, and sodium antimonate; metal ores, such as chromite and pyrolusite; and other substances that are intentionally added to a glass manufacturing batch and melted in a glass melting furnace to produce glass. Metals that are naturally-occurring trace constituents or contaminants of other substances are not considered to be raw materials.

Shutdown means the period of time during which a glass melting furnace is taken from an operational to a non-operational status by allowing it to cool down from its operating temperature to a cold or ambient temperature as the fuel supply is turned off.

Soda-lime recipe means glass product composition of the following ranges of weight proportions: 60 to 75 percent silicon dioxide, 10 to 17 percent total R2O (e.g., Na2O and K2O), 8 to 20 percent total RO but not to include any PbO (e.g., CaO, and MgO), 0 to 8 percent total R2O3 (e.g., Al2O3), and 1 to 5 percent other oxides.

Startup means the period of time, after initial construction or a furnace rebuild, during which a glass melting furnace is heated to operating temperatures by the primary furnace combustion system, and systems and instrumentation are brought to stabilization.

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