What are the requirements of the Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) relating to ozone season emissions of nitrogen oxides from the Basic Chemical Manufacturing, Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing, the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills Industries, Metal Ore Mining, and the Iron and Steel and Ferroalloy Manufacturing Industries?

§ 52.45 What are the requirements of the Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) relating to ozone season emissions of nitrogen oxides from the Basic Chemical Manufacturing, Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing, the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills Industries, Metal Ore Mining, and the Iron and Steel and Ferroalloy Manufacturing Industries?

(a) Definitions. All terms not defined in this paragraph (a) shall have the meaning given to them in the Act and in subpart A of 40 CFR part 60.

Affected unit means an industrial boiler meeting the applicability criteria of this section.

Boiler means an enclosed device using controlled flame combustion and having the primary purpose of recovering thermal energy in the form of steam or hot water. Controlled flame combustion refers to a steady-state, or near steady-state, process wherein fuel and/or oxidizer feed rates are controlled.

Coal means “coal” as defined in 40 CFR 60.41b.

Distillate oil means “distillate oil” as defined in 40 CFR 60.41b.

Maximum heat input capacity means means the ability of a steam generating unit to combust a stated maximum amount of fuel on a steady state basis, as determined by the physical design and characteristics of the steam generating unit.

Natural gas means “natural gas” as defined in 40 CFR 60.41.

Operating day means a 24-hour period between 12:00 midnight and the following midnight during which any fuel is combusted at any time in the steam generating unit. It is not necessary for fuel to be combusted continuously for the entire 24-hour period.

Residual oil means “residual oil” as defined in 40 CFR 60.41c.

(b) Applicability. (1) The requirements of this section apply to each new or existing boiler with a design capacity of 100 mmBtu/hr or greater that receives 90% or more of its heat input from coal, residual oil, distillate oil, natural gas, or combinations of these fuels in the previous ozone season, is located at sources that are within the Basic Chemical Manufacturing industry, the Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing industry, the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard industry, the Metal Ore Mining industry, and the Iron and Steel and Ferroalloys Manufacturing industry and which is located within any of the States listed in § 52.40(c)(2), including Indian country located within the borders of any such State(s). The requirements of this section do not apply to an emissions unit that meets the requirements for a low-use exemption as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(2) If you are the owner or operator of a boiler meeting the applicability criteria of paragraph (b)(1) of this section that operates less than 10% per year on an hourly basis, based on the three most recent years of use and no more than 20% in any one of the three years, you are exempt from meeting the emissions limits of this section and are only subject to the recordkeeping and reporting requirements of paragraph (f)(2) of this section.

(i) If you are the owner or operator of an affected unit that exceeds the 10% per year hour of operation over three years or the 20% hours of operation per year criteria, you can no longer comply via the low-use exemption provisions and must meet the applicable emissions limits and other applicable provisions as soon as possible but not later than one year from the date eligibility as a low-use boiler was negated by exceedance of the low-use boiler criteria.

(ii) [Reserved]

(c) Emissions limitations. If you are the owner or operator of an affected unit, you must meet the following emissions limitations on a 30-day rolling average basis during the 2026 ozone season and in each ozone season thereafter:

(1) Coal-fired industrial boilers: 0.20 lbs NOX/mmBtu;

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