Statutory restriction on new sources.

§ 52.24 Statutory restriction on new sources.

(a) Any area designated nonattainment pursuant to section 107(d) of the Act to which, immediately prior to the enactment of the Amendments to the Act of 1990 (November 15, 1990), a prohibition of construction or modification of major stationary sources was applied, shall retain that prohibition if such prohibition was applied by virtue of a finding of the Administrator that the State containing such an area:

(1) Failed to submit an implementation plan meeting the requirements of an approvable new source review permitting program; or

(2) Failed to submit an implementation plan that provided for timely attainment of the national ambient air quality standard for sulfur dioxide by December 31, 1982. This prohibition shall apply until the Administrator approves a plan for such area as meeting the applicable requirements of part D of title I of the Act as amended (NSR permitting requirements) or subpart 5 of part D of title I of the Act as amended (relating to attainment of the national ambient air quality standards for sulfur dioxide), as applicable.

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