Vive la différence? American and French healthcare fraud, waste, and abuse laws

Pamela Coyle Brecht ( serves as Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti LLP’s Practice Chair for the firm’s global Qui Tam/False Claims Act Practice Group, and Marc S. Raspanti ( is a name partner of Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti LLP in Philadelphia. Laure Le Calvé ( is the Managing Partner and Founder of LCH (Law Compliance Health), a French healthcare law firm in Paris.

America and France share many common ideals. The American Constitution is founded on the principle of government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” The French Constitution embodies this same principle in the ideals of “liberté, égalité, fraternité.” Based upon these shared values, our two countries have forged an indelible alliance through which we have triumphed together side-by-side in the American War of Independence, two World Wars, and even the Cold War. Now, our two nations work together as allies to lead the world in responding to a wide variety of economic, political, medical, technological, and scientific challenges that confront a rapidly changing world.

The US and France participate in a truly global network of healthcare providers, with significant economic and scientific dependence between these two countries. Hundreds of biotech companies are based in France, many of which also do business with American-based companies.[1] For example, in the medical device sector alone, in France this year, revenues from medical device sales are expected to reach €31.2 billion (more than $35.2 billion).[2] Sales from device exports from France are expected to account for €8.9 billion (almost $9.8 billion), which is 26% of the total market.[3] Of the 1,300 medical device firms operating in France, one-third of these are based outside of France.[4] Foreign medical device companies generate two-thirds of the device sales revenues in France, with American companies accounting for the largest share, 22% of the total revenues.[5]

One major challenge confronting both America and France is developing and implementing a healthcare system that can provide life-extending care in a way that is effective, innovative, and cost efficient. Although the healthcare systems in America and France differ in many respects, there is one challenge that confronts both countries: the problem of fraud, waste, and abuse. Both countries take this problem seriously. For example, in America the federal government recovered more than $2.5 billion in 2018 alone from healthcare fraudsters,[6] while in France estimates indicate that at least one in five emergency room visits in 2017 was deemed “inappropriate.”[7]

This article will focus on myriad statutes and regulations enacted in America and France to combat fraud, waste, and abuse. It will highlight some of the important similarities as well as differences between these laws. Given the close historical and commercial ties between America and France, particularly healthcare companies that operate regularly in both countries, it is essential that all players involved in healthcare (e.g., businesses, manufacturers, providers, and attorneys) have a working understanding of the fraud, waste, and abuse laws of both countries.

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