Storage for disposal.

§ 761.65 Storage for disposal.

This section applies to the storage for disposal of PCBs at concentrations of 50 ppm or greater and PCB Items with PCB concentrations of 50 ppm or greater.


(1) Storage limitations. Any PCB waste shall be disposed of as required by subpart D of this part within 1-year from the date it was determined to be PCB waste and the decision was made to dispose of it. This date is the date of removal from service for disposal and the point at which the 1-year time frame for disposal begins. PCB/radioactive waste removed from service for disposal is exempt from the 1-year time limit provided that the provisions at paragraphs (a)(2)(ii) and (a)(2)(iii) of this section are followed and the waste is managed in accordance with all other applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations for the management of radioactive material.

(2) One-year extension. Any person storing PCB waste that is subject to the 1-year time limit for storage and disposal in paragraph (a)(1) of this section may provide written notification to the EPA Regional Administrator for the Region in which the PCB waste is stored that their continuing attempts to dispose of or secure disposal for their waste within the 1-year time limit have been unsuccessful. Upon receipt of the notice by the EPA Regional Administrator, the time for disposal is automatically extended for 1 additional year (2 years total) if the following conditions are met:

(i) The notification is received by the EPA Regional Administrator at least 30 days before the initial 1-year time limit expires and the notice identifies the storer, the types, volumes, and locations of the waste and the reasons for failure to meet the initial 1-year time limit.

(ii) A written record documenting all continuing attempts to secure disposal is maintained until the waste is disposed of.

(iii) The written record required by paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section is available for inspection or submission if requested by EPA.

(iv) Continuing attempts to secure disposal were initiated within 270 days after the time the waste was first subject to the 1-year time limit requirement, as specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. Failure to initiate and continue attempts to secure disposal throughout the total time the waste is in storage shall automatically disqualify the notifier from receiving an automatic extension under this section.

(3) Additional extensions. Upon written request, the EPA Regional Administrator for the Region in which the wastes are stored or the appropriate official at EPA Headquarters, may grant additional extensions beyond the 1-year extension authorized in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. At the time of the request, the requestor must supply specific justification for the additional extension and indicate what measures the requestor is taking to secure disposal of the waste or indicate why disposal could not be conducted during the period of the prior extension. The EPA Regional Administrator or the appropriate official at EPA Headquarters may require, as a condition to granting any extension under this section, specific actions including, but not limited to, marking, inspection, recordkeeping, or financial assurance to ensure that the waste does not pose an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment.

(4) Storage at an approved facility. Increased time for storage may be granted as a condition of any TSCA PCB storage or disposal approval, by the EPA Regional Administrator for the Region in which the PCBs or PCB Items are to be stored or disposed of, or by the appropriate official at EPA Headquarters, if EPA determines that there is a demonstrated need or justification for additional time, that the owner or operator of the facility is pursuing relevant treatment or disposal options, and that no unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment will result from the increased storage time. In making this determination, EPA will consider such factors as absence of any approved treatment technology and insufficient time to complete the treatment or destruction process. EPA may require as a condition of the approval that the owner or operator submit periodic progress reports.

(b) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2), (c)(1), (c)(7), (c)(9), and (c)(10) of this section, after July 1, 1978, owners or operators of any facilities used for the storage of PCBs and PCB Items designated for disposal shall comply with the following storage unit requirements:

(1) The facilities shall meet the following criteria:

(i) Adequate roof and walls to prevent rain water from reaching the stored PCBs and PCB Items;

(ii) An adequate floor that has continuous curbing with a minimum 6 inch high curb. The floor and curbing must provide a containment volume equal to at least two times the internal volume of the largest PCB Article or PCB Container or 25 percent of the total internal volume of all PCB Articles or PCB Containers stored there, whichever is greater. PCB/radioactive wastes are not required to be stored in an area with a minimum 6 inch high curbing. However, the floor and curbing must still provide a containment volume equal to at least two times the internal volume of the largest PCB Container or 25 percent of the total internal volume of all PCB Containers stored there, whichever is greater.

(iii) No drain valves, floor drains, expansion joints, sewer lines, or other openings that would permit liquids to flow from the curbed area;

(iv) Floors and curbing constructed of Portland cement, concrete, or a continuous, smooth, non-porous surface as defined at § 761.3, which prevents or minimizes penetration of PCBs.

(v) Not located at a site that is below the 100-year flood water elevation.

(2) No person may store PCBs and PCB Items designated for disposal in a storage unit other than one approved pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section or meeting the design requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, unless the unit meets one of the following conditions:

(i) Is permitted by EPA under section 3004 of RCRA to manage hazardous waste in containers, and spills of PCBs are cleaned up in accordance with subpart G of this part.

(ii) Qualifies for interim status under section 3005 of RCRA to manage hazardous waste in containers, meets the requirements for containment at § 264.175 of this chapter, and spills of PCBs are cleaned up in accordance with subpart G of this part.

(iii) Is permitted by a State authorized under section 3006 of RCRA to manage hazardous waste in containers, and spills of PCBs are cleaned up in accordance with subpart G of this part.

(iv) Is approved or otherwise regulated pursuant to a State PCB waste management program no less stringent in protection of health or the environment than the applicable TSCA requirements found in this part.

(v) Is subject to a TSCA Coordinated Approval, which includes provisions for storage of PCBs, issued pursuant to § 761.77.

(vi) Has a TSCA PCB waste management approval, which includes provisions for storage, issued pursuant to § 761.61(c) or § 761.62(c).


(1) The following PCB Items may be stored temporarily in an area that does not comply with the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section for up to thirty days from the date of their removal from service, provided that a notation is attached to the PCB Item or a PCB Container (containing the item) indicating the date the item was removed from service:

(i) Non-leaking PCB Articles and PCB Equipment;

(ii) Leaking PCB Articles and PCB Equipment if the PCB Items are placed in a non-leaking PCB Container that contains sufficient sorbent materials to absorb any liquid PCBs remaining in the PCB Items;

(iii) PCB Containers containing non-liquid PCBs such as contaminated soil, rags, and debris; and

(iv) PCB containers containing liquid PCBs at concentrations of ≥50 ppm, provided a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan has been prepared for the temporary storage area in accordance with part 112 of this chapter and the liquid PCB waste is in packaging authorized in the DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations at 49 CFR parts 171 through 180 or stationary bulk storage tanks (including rolling stock such as, but not limited to, tanker trucks, as specified by DOT).

(2) Non-leaking and structurally undamaged PCB Large High Voltage Capacitors and PCB-Contaminated Electrical Equipment that have not been drained of free flowing dielectric fluid may be stored on pallets next to a storage facility that meets the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section. PCB-Contaminated Electrical Equipment that has been drained of free flowing dielectric fluid is not subject to the storage provisions of § 761.65. Storage under this subparagraph will be permitted only when the storage facility has immediately available unfilled storage space equal to 10 percent of the volume of capacitors and equipment stored outside the facility. The capacitors and equipment temporarily stored outside the facility shall be checked for leaks weekly.

(3) Any storage area subject to the requirements of paragraph (b) or paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall be marked as required in subpart C § 761.40(a)(10).

(4) No item of movable equipment that is used for handling PCBs and PCB Items in the storage units and that comes in direct contact with PCBs shall be removed from the storage unit area unless it has been decontaminated as specified in § 761.79.

(5) All PCB Items in storage shall be checked for leaks at least once every 30 days. Any leaking PCB Items and their contents shall be transferred immediately to properly marked non-leaking containers. Any spilled or leaked materials shall be immediately cleaned up and the materials and residues containing PCBs shall be disposed of in accordance with § 761.61. Records of inspections, maintenance, cleanup and disposal must be maintained in accordance with § 761.180(a) and (b).

(6) Except as provided in paragraphs (c)(6)(i) and (c)(6)(ii) of this section, any container used for the storage of liquid or non-liquid PCB waste shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in the DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) at 49 CFR parts 171 through 180. PCB waste not subject to the HMR (i.e., PCB wastes at concentrations of <20 ppm or <1 pound of PCBs regardless of concentration) must be packaged in accordance with Packaging Group III, unless other hazards associated with the PCB waste cause it to require packaging in accordance with Packaging Groups I or II. For purposes of describing PCB waste not subject to DOT's HMR on a manifest, one may use the term “Non-DOT Regulated PCBs.”

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