PCB remediation waste.

§ 761.61 PCB remediation waste.

This section provides cleanup and disposal options for PCB remediation waste. Any person cleaning up and disposing of PCBs managed under this section shall do so based on the concentration at which the PCBs are found. This section does not prohibit any person from implementing temporary emergency measures to prevent, treat, or contain further releases or mitigate migration to the environment of PCBs or PCB remediation waste.

(a) Self-implementing on-site cleanup and disposal of PCB remediation waste. EPA designed the self-implementing procedure for a general, moderately-sized site where there should be low residual environmental impact from remedial activities. The procedure may be less practical for larger or environmentally diverse sites. For these other sites, the self-implementing procedure still applies, but an EPA Regional Administrator may authorize more practical procedures through paragraph (c) of this section. Any person may conduct self-implementing cleanup and disposal of PCB remediation waste in accordance with the following requirements without prior written approval from EPA.

(1) Applicability. (i) The self-implementing procedures may not be used to clean up:

(A) Surface or ground waters.

(B) Sediments in marine and freshwater ecosystems.

(C) Sewers or sewage treatment systems.

(D) Any private or public drinking water sources or distribution systems.

(E) Grazing lands.

(F) Vegetable gardens.

(ii) The self-implementing cleanup provisions shall not be binding upon cleanups conducted under other authorities, including but not limited to, actions conducted under section 104 or section 106 of CERCLA, or section 3004(u) and (v) or section 3008(h) of RCRA.

(2) Site characterization. Any person conducting self-implementing cleanup of PCB remediation waste must characterize the site adequately to be able to provide the information required by paragraph (a)(3) of this section. Subpart N of this part provides a method for collecting new site characterization data or for assessing the sufficiency of existing site characterization data.

(3) Notification and certification. (i) At least 30 days prior to the date that the cleanup of a site begins, the person in charge of the cleanup or the owner of the property where the PCB remediation waste is located shall notify, in writing, the EPA Regional Administrator, the Director of the State or Tribal environmental protection agency, and the Director of the county or local environmental protection agency where the cleanup will be conducted. The notice shall include:

(A) The nature of the contamination, including kinds of materials contaminated.

(B) A summary of the procedures used to sample contaminated and adjacent areas and a table or cleanup site map showing PCB concentrations measured in all pre-cleanup characterization samples. The summary must include sample collection and analysis dates. The EPA Regional Administrator may require more detailed information including, but not limited to, additional characterization sampling or all sample identification numbers from all previous characterization activities at the cleanup site.

(C) The location and extent of the identified contaminated area, including topographic maps with sample collection sites cross referenced to the sample identification numbers in the data summary from paragraph (a)(3)(i)(B) of this section.

(D) A cleanup plan for the site, including schedule, disposal technology, and approach. This plan should contain options and contingencies to be used if unanticipated higher concentrations or wider distributions of PCB remediation waste are found or other obstacles force changes in the cleanup approach.

(E) A written certification, signed by the owner of the property where the cleanup site is located and the party conducting the cleanup, that all sampling plans, sample collection procedures, sample preparation procedures, extraction procedures, and instrumental/chemical analysis procedures used to assess or characterize the PCB contamination at the cleanup site, are on file at the location designated in the certificate, and are available for EPA inspection. Persons using alternate methods for chemical extraction and chemical analysis for site characterization must include in the certificate a statement that such a method will be used and that a comparison study which meets or exceeds the requirements of subpart Q of this part, and for which records are on file, has been completed prior to verification sampling.

(ii) Within 30 calendar days of receiving the notification, the EPA Regional Administrator will respond in writing approving of the self-implementing cleanup, disapproving of the self-implementing cleanup, or requiring additional information. If the EPA Regional Administrator does not respond within 30 calendar days of receiving the notice, the person submitting the notification may proceed with the cleanup according to the information the person provided to the EPA Regional Administrator. If, upon review of the notification, the EPA Regional Administrator determines that the notification does not contain all of the information required by paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, sufficient to ensure compliance with paragraphs (a)(4) through (9) of this section at the site, they may require the submission of additional information. The cleanup and disposal must comply with all applicable requirements of paragraphs (a)(4) through (9) of this section. Once cleanup is underway, the person conducting the cleanup must provide any proposed changes from the notification to the EPA Regional Administrator in writing no less than 14 calendar days prior to the proposed implementation of the change. The EPA Regional Administrator will determine in their discretion whether to accept the change and will respond to the change notification verbally within 7 calendar days and in writing within 14 calendar days of receiving it. If the EPA Regional Administrator does not respond verbally within 7 calendar days and in writing within 14 calendar days of receiving the change notice, the person who submitted it may proceed with the cleanup according to the information in the change notice provided to the EPA Regional Administrator, subject to the submission of additional information if the Regional Administrator determines it is needed to address the elements of paragraph (a)(3)(i), of this section and in compliance with all applicable requirements of paragraphs (a)(4) through (9) of this section and other applicable requirements of this part.

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