Emergency situations.

§ 761.66 Emergency situations.

This section establishes procedures that may be used for purposes of the cleanup and/or disposal of PCB releases caused by an emergency situation as defined in § 761.3. This section allows the request of a waiver of any of the requirements in §§ 761.60, 761.61, 761.62, or 761.65. Any person conducting activities under these emergency provisions is also responsible for determining and complying with all other applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. This section does not prohibit any person from implementing temporary emergency measures to prevent, treat, or contain further releases or mitigate migration to the environment of PCBs or PCB remediation waste.

(a) Applicability. This section may only be applied to the cleanup and/or disposal of PCB releases caused by an emergency situation as defined in § 761.3.

(b) Waiver Request. Any person intending or planning to sample, extract, analyze, clean up, store, and/or dispose of PCBs under this section shall submit a waiver request to the Regional Administrator in the EPA Region where the sampling, extraction, analysis, cleanup, storage, and/or disposal would occur, in writing and/or by email no later than seven (7) days after discovery of the release or implementation of any temporary emergency measures, as applicable. The requestor must also send a copy of the waiver request to the Director of the State or Tribal environmental agency where the sampling, extraction, analysis, cleanup, storage, and/or disposal would occur. If the sampling, extraction, analysis, cleanup, storage, and/or disposal activities in the waiver request would be conducted in more than one Region, then the waiver request must be submitted, in its entirety, to the Regional Administrators for all affected Regions.

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