Disposal of PCB bulk product waste.

§ 761.62 Disposal of PCB bulk product waste.

PCB bulk product waste shall be disposed of in accordance with paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section. Under some of these provisions, it may not be necessary to determine the PCB concentration or leaching characteristics of the PCB bulk product waste. When it is necessary to analyze the waste to make either of these determinations, use the applicable procedures in subpart R of this part to sample the waste for analysis, unless EPA approves another sampling plan under paragraph (c) of this section.

(a) Performance-based disposal. Any person disposing of PCB bulk product waste may do so as follows:

(1) In an incinerator approved under § 761.70.

(2) In a chemical waste landfill approved under § 761.75.

(3) In a hazardous waste landfill permitted by EPA under section 3004 of RCRA, or by a State authorized under section 3006 of RCRA.

(4) Under an alternate disposal approval under § 761.60(e).

(5) In accordance with the decontamination provisions of § 761.79.

(6) For metal surfaces in contact with PCBs, in accordance with the thermal decontamination provisions of § 761.79(c)(6).

(7) In accordance with a TSCA PCB Coordinated Approval issued under § 761.77.

(b) Disposal in solid waste landfills. (1) Any person may dispose of the following PCB bulk product waste in a facility permitted, licensed, or registered by a State as a municipal or non-municipal non-hazardous waste landfill:

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