Public health countermeasures to a bioterrorist attack

42 U.S. Code § 247d-6. Public health countermeasures to a bioterrorist attack

(a) All-hazards public health and medical response curricula and training
(1) In general
The Secretary, in collaboration with the Secretary of Defense, and in consultation with relevant public and private entities, shall develop core health and medical response curricula and trainings by adapting applicable existing curricula and training programs to improve responses to public health emergencies.
(2) CurriculumThe public health and medical response training program may include course work related to—
medical management of casualties, taking into account the needs of at-risk individuals;
public health aspects of public health emergencies;
mental health aspects of public health emergencies;
national incident management, including coordination among Federal, State, local, tribal, international agencies, and other entities; and
protecting health care workers and health care first responders from workplace exposures during a public health emergency.
(3) Peer review
On a periodic basis, products prepared as part of the program shall be rigorously tested and peer-reviewed by experts in the relevant fields.
(4) CreditThe Secretary and the Secretary of Defense shall—
take into account continuing professional education requirements of public health and healthcare professions; and
cooperate with State, local, and tribal accrediting agencies and with professional associations in arranging for students enrolled in the program to obtain continuing professional education credit for program courses.
(5) Dissemination and training
(A) In general
The Secretary may provide for the dissemination and teaching of the materials described in paragraphs (1) and (2) by appropriate means, as determined by the Secretary.
(B) Certain entities
The education and training activities described in subparagraph (A) may be carried out by Federal public health, medical, or dental entities, appropriate educational entities, professional organizations and societies, private accrediting organizations, and other nonprofit institutions or entities meeting criteria established by the Secretary.
(C) Grants and contracts
In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary may carry out activities directly or through the award of grants and contracts, and may enter into interagency agreements with other Federal agencies.
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