Partnerships for State and regional hospital preparedness to improve surge capacity

42 U.S. Code § 247d-3b. Partnerships for State and regional hospital preparedness to improve surge capacity

(a) In general
The Secretary, acting through the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, shall award competitive grants or cooperative agreements to eligible entities to enable such entities to improve surge capacity and enhance community and hospital preparedness for, and response to, public health emergencies in accordance with subsection (c), including, as appropriate, capacity and preparedness to address the needs of children and other at-risk individuals.
(b) EligibilityTo be eligible for an award under subsection (a), an entity shall—
(A) be a coalition that includes—
one or more hospitals, at least one of which shall be a designated trauma center, consistent with section 300d–13(c) of this title;
one or more other local health care facilities, including clinics, health centers, community health centers, primary care facilities, mental health centers, mobile medical assets, or nursing homes;
one or more political subdivisions;
one or more States; or
one or more States and one or more political subdivisions; and
one or more emergency medical service organizations or emergency management organizations; and
prepare, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer and the lead health officials of the State, District, or territory in which the hospital and health care facilities described in subparagraph (A) are located, and submit to the Secretary, an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require; or
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