Better diabetes care

42 U.S. Code § 247b-9a. Better diabetes care

(a) Short title
This section may be cited as the “Catalyst to Better Diabetes Care Act of 2009”.
(b) National diabetes report card
(1) In general
The Secretary, in collaboration with the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (referred to in this section as the “Director”), shall prepare on a biennial basis a national diabetes report card (referred to in this section as a “Report Card”) and, to the extent possible, for each State.[1]
(2) Contents
(A) In generalEach Report Card shall include aggregate health outcomes related to individuals diagnosed with diabetes and prediabetes including—
preventative care practices and quality of care;
risk factors; and
(B) Updated reportsEach Report Card that is prepared after the initial Report Card shall include trend analysis for the Nation and, to the extent possible, for each State, for the purpose of—
tracking progress in meeting established national goals and objectives for improving diabetes care, costs, and prevalence (including Healthy People 2010); and
informing policy and program development.
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