Combating antimicrobial resistance

42 U.S. Code § 247d-5. Combating antimicrobial resistance

(a) Task force
(1) In general
The Secretary shall establish an Antimicrobial Resistance Task Force to provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary and coordinate Federal programs relating to antimicrobial resistance. The Secretary may appoint or select a committee, or other organization in existence as of November 13, 2000, to serve as such a task force, if such committee, or other organization meets the requirements of this section.
(2) Members of task force
The task force described in paragraph (1) shall be composed of representatives from such Federal agencies, and shall seek input from public health constituencies, manufacturers, veterinary and medical professional societies and others, as determined to be necessary by the Secretary, to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to address the public health threat of antimicrobial resistance.
(3) Agenda
(A) In generalThe task force described in paragraph (1) shall consider factors the Secretary considers appropriate, including—
public health factors contributing to increasing antimicrobial resistance;
public health needs to detect and monitor antimicrobial resistance;
detection, prevention, and control strategies for resistant pathogens;
the need for improved information and data collection;
the assessment of the risk imposed by pathogens presenting a threat to the public health; and
any other issues which the Secretary determines are relevant to antimicrobial resistance.
(B) Detection and controlThe Secretary, in consultation with the task force described in paragraph (1) and State and local public health officials, shall—
develop, improve, coordinate or enhance participation in a surveillance plan to detect and monitor emerging antimicrobial resistance; and
develop, improve, coordinate or enhance participation in an integrated information system to assimilate, analyze, and exchange antimicrobial resistance data between public health departments.
(4) Meetings
The task force described under paragraph (1) shall convene not less than twice a year, or more frequently as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.
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