
  1. The CCPA or CPRA and Beyond: US Consumer Privacy Laws and Bills and How to Stay Sane

    2021 SCCE Webinar  | Presenter(s): Teresa Troester-Falk, Rachel Glasser, Debrah Howitt  | May 2021 

    • California’s privacy laws (CCPA/CPRA) - highlight of changes under CPRA

    • Virginia's CDPA - operational compliance obligations

    • State of the State of US Consumer Privacy Bills

    • Roadmap to success - experience from the Trenches

  2. Best Practices in Third Party Risk Management

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Patrick Wellens  | April 2021 

    • Key Challenges/opportunities when implementing a third party due diligence system

    • Project (implementation) team

    • Project scope

    • Integration with other systems

    • Escalation and extended risk assessments

    • Supplier questionnaires vs external databases

    • Ownership of third party risk

  3. Hardwiring Compliance Across the Organization (2021)

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | April 2021 

    • How to build relationships to help initiate change

    • How to create a feedback loop that does not compromise investigation integrity

    • How to create a cultural paradigm shift where a robust culture of safety encourages employees to report their concerns

  4. Anti-Bribery Risk Assessments: Measuring Business Bribery Risk, Updating Procedures

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Alexandra Wrage, Dan Seltzer  | April 2021 

    • How to scope a global risk assessment and identify your most significant risk areas

    • Developing an effective workplan for conducting risk assessments, mapping risks, and updating procedures to detect new vulnerabilities

    • Executing a plan to mitigate issues identified via risk assessment and updating procedures

  5. Building Governance Frameworks for Better Compliance

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Alberto Melgoza  | April 2021 

    • What is a governance framework?

    • Understanding the relevance of a governance framework from the perspective of: risk, climate (communication & trust), accountability, ethics (values & decision making) and behavior (conduct)

    • How to develop a governance framework that allows for effective compliance, and in consequence lesser liability

    • Who is accountable for the governance framework? Why?

    • Consequences of not designing and implementing a proper governance framework

    • Examples of liabilities for not having nor complying with the governance framework

  6. Building Global Compliance and Ethics Programs for International Organizations

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Raymond Justice  | April 2021 

    • Understand different compliance & ethic program models used by international organizations

    • How different structures work for different organizational sizes

    • What model(s) work for addressing compliance & ethical issues and challenges organizations face internationally

    • How organizations can grow their compliance & ethics programs over time by investment

  7. The Growing Importance of Data Analytics & Data Visualization for E&C Professionals

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Tanja Gromadzki  | March 2021 

    • Data analytics & data visualization: What is the hype all about?

    • How can I incorporate data visualization into my E&C program?

    • Suggestions for using data to continue driving program effectiveness

  8. Antitrust Compliance 2.0: Tackling the Toughest Parts of the DOJ Compliance Program Guidance (2021 Web Conference)

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Pedro de la Torre, Marvin Price, Douglas Tween  | March 2021 

    • Examine in detail the latest U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division compliance guidance

    • Understand the DOJ’s expectations with respect to risk assessments, auditing and monitoring, information exchange, and tracking competitor contacts

    • Learn evolving competition compliance best practices, as well as tips and tools from in-house experts and former enforcers to manage risk

  9. Reducing Fatigue: How Global Companies Increase Compliance Training Efficiency

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Neha Gupta  | March 2021 

    • Program planning strategies to consolidate and reduce training requirements

    • Technology and automation strategies that save time and yield quantifiable insight

    • Communication strategies to engage and continue the dialogue into employees’ everyday lives

  10. The 4 C's of Compliance

    2021 HCCA/SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Angie Surra  | March 2021 

    • What data, documents, and notifications need to be captured based on size and industry

    • How to coordinate the information for tracking hours, benefit enrollment, and reporting to the IRS

    • How to cultivate a compliant community using various forms of communication

  11. What Lawyers Need to Know About Privacy Compliance

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Leona Lewis  | March 2021 

    • Learn how differences in business models can impact privacy compliance risk

    • Learn about recent changes to the law and its impact to privacy compliance program requirements

    • Learn about the basics of data mapping and why it is important to privacy compliance

    • Learn why certain types of documentation is critical to compliance, while other types raise your compliance risk

    • Learn why a sustainable privacy compliance process should be a high priority

  12. Securing Data: Keeping Your Company, Employee, Suppliers and Customers Safe in 2021

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Ranjeeth Bellary  | March 2021 

    • Introduction to data privacy

    • Connecting data privacy with corporate compliance and maintaining ethics (Show alignment of data privacy laws with compliance/ethics)

    • Why data privacy compliance is a top concern for corporate management in establishing compliance

    • Data ethics: Core guiding principle for data privacy

    • Instances from the past: Breach in ethics resulted in widely known data privacy breaches

    • How data privacy principles can help to establish compliance and ethics in your organization

    • Challenges and best practices

  13. Championing Your Compliance Program

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Matt Silverman  | March 2021 

    • Getting commitment from management

    • Creating incentives

    • Developing an implementation Plan

    • Developing and maintaining a training program

    • Recruiting champions

    • Formalizing, utilizing, and publicizing the champions network

    • Benchmarking with other networks

    • Creating deliverables

  14. Compliance and Ethics in a Post COVID-19 World (2021)

    2021 HCCA & SCCE Webinar  | February 2021 

    • Discuss the changes in business and the likely long-term implications for compliance post COVID-19 in the new "normal"

    • Outline strategies to leverage pandemic language and ensure positive changes in ethics or compliance made during the pandemic stay embedded in culture long term

    • Discuss cautionary tales as businesses transition out of the pandemic and risks created by the pandemic such as slim margins, supply chain disruption, higher personal and organizational debit, and pandemic stress fatigue{br/}

  15. Taking Your Code Digital: Here's How to Do It Right (2021 SCCE Web Conference)

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Andrea Falcione, Tricia Cornell, Leslie Staver, Stacy Tietjen  | February 2021 

    • Optimize your Code for your 21st-century, always-online audience

    • Make the most of available technology, while avoiding tech hassles

    • Learn where to start, five features your Code must have, and three things you don’t need 

  16. Calling All Champions! Best Practices for Establishing an Ethics Champion Network

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Cristina Potter, Shauna Brookshier, Chelsea Dunkle  | February 2021 

    • Learners should be able to define and create criteria for establishing an Ethics Ambassador program

    • Learners should be able to articulate the value of an Ethics Ambassador program to their Board of Directors

    • Learners should be able to design, implement and evaluate their Ethics Ambassador program

  17. How to Promote and Reinforce Your Company's Values Through an Ambassador Program (2021 SCCE Web Conference)

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): JP Shotwell, Michael Chinn, Toni-Lynne Langeveld  | February 2021 

    • Learn how to garner leadership support for your ambassador program, select the right ambassadors, and engage them through meaningful dialogue, tools and resources

    • Learn how to promote an ethical and compliant culture through an ambassador program and what it takes to start a program from the ground up. Select the right people to reinforce behaviors you want your employees to embody

    • Learn how to reinvent your ambassador program to promote a values-based culture. Find out how SCE transformed its Ethics Ambassador Program to its current Values Ambassador Program and the impact its ambassadors have had on fostering a positive work environment

  18. Clear, Concise, and Captivating: Tips on How to Communicate with the C-Suite and Board of Directors (2021 SCCE Web Conference)

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): August Immel  | January 2021 

    • Briefing the organization's senior leadership is the opportunity you want - all eyes on you to present compliance issues as the expert in the room.  Learn how to own that role with excellent oral and written skills.  Seize the opportunity; do not fear it

    • Rhetoric is a mandatory topic in classical education for a reason.  By knowing what your audience needs to hear, reading their body language, and focusing your presentation on key elements, your point will not only be made, but it will also be remembered

    • The key to presenting your material is knowing what must be said, what can be omitted, and how to manage time, especially when speaking with senior leadership.  Learn tips on how to craft your presentation in a way that works for everyone

  19. Challenges of Implementing a Risk-Based Third-Party Due Diligence Program (2021 SCCE Web Conference)

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Ansie Delport, Lila Acharya, Sonal Shah  | January 2021 

    • Do you know who your third parties are and what they do for you? Many companies struggle with this as they seek to formalize their third-party due diligence procedures. We will discuss strategies for tackling this challenge

    • Technology and third-party due diligence - friend or foe? The market is now flooded with automated due diligence platforms and screening tools for conducting third party due diligence. How do you determine what is best for your company

    • What constitutes a “risk-based” approach to third-party due diligence? The DOJ, SFO, and AFA all advise taking one, but devising a strategy can be challenging. We will discuss best practices in developing procedures appropriate for your company

  20. The Role Of Leadership In An Effective Compliance Program: Effectively Engaging Leadership In Your Organization

    2021 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Adam Balfour  | January 2021 

    • Leaders and managers play a key role in building and sustaining a culture of compliance and ensuring an effective compliance program

    • Learn why leaders are so key and practical strategies for how and what you can do to engage leaders within your organization’s compliance program

    • Learn how to engage leaders, leverage their voice and use incentives to recognize leaders that set the gold standard

  21. Cultivation of Culture and Compliance Partnerships (2020 SCCE Web Conference)

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Ashley Lewis, Jaclyn Badeau  | December 2020 

    • Understand the importance of building a culture of compliance and communication

    • Learn tips on building cross-functional partnerships, including harnessing and developing your EQ skills

    • Recognize the importance of engaging employees in the compliance process

    • Understand why words are so important with your Hotline solution