
  1. Building a Compliance & Ethics Champions Network

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | December 2023 

    • Understand the psychology behind champions networks, including "diffusion of innovations" research

    • Review the six steps to building a successful champions network: support, structure, recruitment, training, implementation, and metrics.

    • Examine several case studies and best practices of well-organized and successful champions networks

  2. 2023 Doing good while being good: Ensuring your relief fund is compliant

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | December 2023 

    • The advantages of sponsoring a disaster and hardship relief fund for any employer.

    • The possible charitable structures for providing financial assistance and how they differ from one another.

    • Common things to look for to determine if a relief fund is compliant with IRS regulations.

  3. What's all the fuss about CMMC?

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | November 2023 

    • What is CMMC and should I care?

    • Cybersecurity is crucial for compliance in any company

    • Is NIST 800-171 (The CMMC Framework) worth employing?

    • Thoughts and observations from the field

  4. AI And automated hiring systems- Compliance and Ethical Issues

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | November 2023 

    • The state of AI in HR -- and the next 18 months

    • The 3-pillar framework for safe and ethical rollout of AI

    • Upcoming regulations related to the use of AI in HR

    • What compliance leaders should be doing today to prepare for the new regulatory environment

  5. The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act: Update on Enforcement and Compliance Best Practices

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | November 2023 

    • Gain understanding of key elements of UFLPA such as "rebuttable presumption"

    • Learn how Customs and others in US government are enforcing the law

    • Obtain practical guidance on complying with the law

  6. Using a Compliance Program Management Office to Enhance Your Program's Momentum and Consistency

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | November 2023 

    • Learn how a compliance PMO can act as a strategic partner implementing your compliance vision, generate program improvements, and operationalize your compliance goals across the business

    • Learn how to structure and staff a PMO

    • Learn what not to do when building a PMO

  7. 2023 Navigating CCO Liability risks: Tips for staying out of the SEC's Crosshairs

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | October 2023 

    • CCO liability can be a complex yet nebulous concept to navigate. Therefore, it's important to understand how CCO liability is being defined by regulating bodies.

    • Mitigating the risks of CCO liability hinges on understanding the types of cases out there that triggered regulatory enforcement actions. Therefore, certain top matters elucidating the potential dangers of CCO liability are highlighted.

    • Understanding CCO liabilities, the regulatory landscape and examples of "bad behavior" are important steps in protecting CCOs against potential risks, especially with so much on the line for CCOs.

    • CCOs can be held personally liable for any compliance failure, which can lead to significant legal and financial consequences and overall reputational harm for both the firm and the CCO.

  8. Navigating the Ethical and Legal Implications of AI on Jobs and the Workforce: Best Practices for Compliance

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | September 2023 

    • Understand the ethical and legal implications of AI on jobs and the workforce

    • Identify best practices for ensuring compliance with AI-related regulations

    • Develop a comprehensive compliance framework for AI integration in their organizations

  9. Sustainable Future: Leveraging Stakeholder Collaboration to Manage ESG Risk

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | August 2023 

    • Understand the Importance of ESG Risk Management in today's business landscape.

    • Recognize/Identify the various internal and external stakeholders who play a crucial role in ESG risk management.

    • Explore effective ESG engagement strategies to foster meaningful dialogues and collaborations.

    • Assess how companies can align their ESG goals with their overall business strategy and financial performance.

    • Identify common obstacles and barriers organizations face when incorporating ESG considerations into their risk management practices.

    • Gain insights from experienced industry leaders, and draw lessons from their experiences, successes, and failures.

    • Understand the role of technology in engaging stakeholders and managing risk

  10. An Effective Compliance Audit Plan--Auditing for Success!

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | August 2023 

    • Developing an audit plan

    • Defining the audit process with criteria, standards, and scope

    • Examples of different audits, resources, tools and why rescoping is okay

  11. Practical Tune Ups for Your Compliance Communications

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | August 2023 

    • Adding marketing-style communication strategies provides valuable support to your compliance initiatives

    • Defining - or refining - a goal for your compliance communications

    • Staying in scope and maximizing your touchpoints

    • Leveraging internal partnerships to support and amplify your plans

  12. ChatGPT and Generative AI -how to manage the risks and rewards in the workplace

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | August 2023 

    • The uses of AI in the workplace

    • The value of AI Chatbots

    • The risks of reliance on AI

    • The need for human intervention

    • How to use risk assessments

    • The legal and regulatory obligations

    • Ethical considerations

  13. On The Cutting Edge: A Discussion of Best Practices for Building and enhancing a Culture of Ethics and Compliance

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | July 2023 

    • Focus on Culture: Learn the latest practical tips for creating a strong culture of ethics and compliance in your organization.

    • Assess Your Effectiveness: Review the latest expectations of the US Department of Justice and other federal agencies on establishing and implementing an effective ethics and compliance programs.

    • Use Compliance Maturity Models: Through case studies, learn how to use Compliance Maturity Models to assess the overall effectiveness of your compliance program and practical real life examples of how to sustain and enhance your program over time.

  14. Who Should Own Records Management?

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | July 2023 

    • A survey of who owns and funds records and programs across both medium and large companies

    • What skills and capabilities are really required to run a program, and which group has those skills

    • How are the most effective records programs organizationally organized

    • Practical approaches for getting your organization unstuck and onto the right model

  15. Ethics and Compliance as Leadership Skills

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | July 2023 

    • How leaders can define their ethical leadership "north star"

    • How leadership shapes an organization's risk culture

    • What is a 'healthy risk culture'

  16. Blind dates and investigation interviews are the same thing

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | June 2023 

    • Apply blind date rules for successful interviews

    • Polish your interview techniques and learn some new ones

    • Use fun examples to illustrate easy ways to be a better interviewer

  17. 2023 Conducting investigations with external business partners

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | June 2023 

    • Aligning objectives of the investigation including the investigation plan

    • Collaborating with external partner on schedule cadence, allocation of resources, and cooperative interviewing

    • Messaging and reporting investigative results to all parties with a vested interest, including regulatory agencies

  18. Common Challenges to Internal Investigations and How to Deal With Them

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | June 2023 

    • Understand what an internal investigation is and its origination

    • Learn how to identify when to conduct an internal investigation

    • How to appropriately scope the internal investigation

    • Learn common challenges that arise before, during, and after an internal investigation

  19. Beyond the Acronyms: Understanding the Differences and Continued Importance of CSR and ESG Corporate Initiatives

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | June 2023 

    • Differentiate between CSR and ESG initiatives, including their objectives, focus areas, and methods of evaluation.

    • Understand the historical development and contemporary trends shaping both CSR and ESG approaches in modern corporations.

    • Examine how CSR and ESG initiatives are evolving to address new social and environmental challenges and integrate with business strategies.

  20. DEI Training: Why It Matters and How To Do It

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | June 2023 

    • Understand the full scope of DEI training and culture building

    • Learn techniques to market your values internally

    • Consider your key collaborators

    • Inspire vulnerability and brave conversations

  21. 2023 Federal trade commission proposes a noncompete ban: Five things to know

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | May 2023 

    • Current Status of the Federal Trade Commission's Noncompete Ban Proposal;

    • Five Things to Know;

    • Recommended Best Practices;

    • History as a Guide to the Future; &

    • FAQs

  22. Ethical Leadership and employee satisfaction

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | May 2023 

    • Main points of business ethics and ethical leadership

    • Employee satisfaction - what does it show to us, why does it matter, especially in post COVID19 period

    • How are both of these related to Compliance? What is the correlation?

    • Can there be effective compliance program without ethical leadership

  23. 2023 Integrity is not negotiable

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | May 2023 

    • How to engage in open discussions about ethics and integrity

    • Creating a safe environment where ethical issues can be discussed honestly and respectfully, and ethical concerns can be reported without fear

    • Modeling the way to an organization where integrity is integral to the workplace culture

  24. Demystifying AI: Fundamentals and Considerations for Compliance Programs

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | May 2023 

    • Practical AI applications within a Compliance program (including how you may already be using AI

    • Important considerations and risks in the use of AI

    • Additional resources and references for further education

  25. How to get the most from your Confidential Hotline

    2023 SCCE Webinar  | May 2023 

    • Understanding the implications of DOJs increased focus on whether you have an 'efficient trusted mechanism by which employees can anonymously or confidentially report allegations'

    • Strategies to ensure that the corporation's compliance program woks in practice

    • Learning to create and apply a consistent approach to investigations and institutional justice