Build your expert dream team

OK . . . this might seem a little self-serving, but I truly believe this is a good idea. I remember having this thought more than 10 years ago at an HCCA conference. I was thinking about performing an effectiveness review and how when I see a hospital has the support of experts, especially those I know and trust, it provides a lot of comfort that things are on the right track.

Having the support of experienced consultants and experts in the field to maintain compliance in all areas of the revenue cycle can make a huge difference as organizations go through change. Hospitals should not be going it alone and reinventing the wheel. You also don’t have to have a large consulting budget to tap into experts that can help train new employees, leave knowledge in-house, and help ensure consistency with turnover. Oftentimes you can have “maintenance” agreements so that the organization can tap into experts and resources quickly as things come up to help maintain compliance.

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