AI can do amazing things with PHI, but be mindful of past criminal HIPAA cases

10 minute read

By now, everyone has seen the promises of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. A program that rapidly interprets all of a patient’s medical records, images, scans, and tests, and then drives the right inquiry into that patient’s medical problems. That seems like a superpower to bestow upon physicians.

However, for AI to meet its full potential in healthcare, it needs access to the full panoply of protected health information (PHI). That prospect likely sends shivers down the spines of every covered entity (CE) in the United States. How can AI do its job while still securing PHI and ensuring responsible use of PHI? That is a broader topic than what this author is prepared for.

Instead, this article sets the outer limits of PHI misuse: criminal prosecutions for HIPAA violations. Recognizing the facts that gave rise to criminal convictions for abusing patient privacy is useful in that it gives a name to the things to be avoided at all costs in implementing AI and other useful technologies promising to revolutionize healthcare in America. In addition, we will examine the basics of criminal HIPAA violations and some of the rare previous cases against individuals accused of violating HIPAA in a criminal fashion.

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