Requests for collection of past-due support by Federal tax refund offset.

§ 303.72 Requests for collection of past-due support by Federal tax refund offset.

(a) Past-due support qualifying for offset. Past-due support as defined in § 301.1 of this chapter qualifies for offset if:

(1) There has been an assignment of the support rights under section 408(a)(3) of the Act or section 471(a)(17) of the Act to the State making the request for offset or the IV-D agency is providing services under § 302.33 of this chapter.

(2) For support that has been assigned to the State under section 408(a)(3) of the Act or section 471(a)(17) of the Act, the amount of the support is not less than $150. The State may combine assigned support amounts from the same obligor in multiple cases to reach $150. Amounts under this paragraph may not be combined with amounts under paragraph (a)(3) of this section to reach the minimum amounts required under this paragraph or under paragraph (a)(3) of this section.

(3) For support owed in cases where the title IV-D agency is providing title IV-D services under § 302.33 of this chapter:

(i) The support is owed to or on behalf of a child, or a child and the parent with whom the child is living if the same support order includes support for the child and the parent.

(ii) The amount of support is not less than $500. The State may combine support amounts from the same obligor in multiple cases where the IV-D agency is providing IV-D services under § 302.33 of this chapter to reach $500. Amounts under this paragraph may not be combined with amounts under paragraph (a)(2) of this section to reach the minimum amounts required under this paragraph or under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(iii) At State option, the amount has accrued since the State IV-D agency began to enforce the support order; and

(iv) The State has checked its records to determine if a title IV-A or foster care maintenance assigned arrearage exists with respect to the non-IV-A individual or family.

(4) The IV-D agency has in its records:

(i) A copy of the order and any modifications upon which the amount referred is based which specify the date of issuance and amount of support;

(ii) A copy of the payment record, or, if there is no payment record, an affidavit signed by the custodial parent attesting to the amount of support owed; and

(iii) In non-IV-A cases, the custodial parent's current address.

(5) Before submittal, the State IV-D agency has verified the accuracy of the name and social security number of the noncustodial parent and the accuracy of the past-due support amount. If the State IV-D agency has verified this information previously, it need not reverify it.

(6) A notification of liability for past-due support has been received by the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury as prescribed by paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(b) Notification to OCSE of liability for past-due support. (1) A State IV-D agency shall submit a notification (or notifications) of liability for past-due support to the Office according to the timeframes and in the manner specified by the Office in instructions.

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