Procedures for income withholding.

§ 303.100 Procedures for income withholding.

(a) General withholding requirements. (1) The State must ensure that in the case of each noncustodial parent against whom a support order is or has been issued or modified in the State, and is being enforced under the State plan, so much of his or her income as defined in sections 466(b)(1) and (8) of the Act must be withheld, in accordance with this section, as is necessary to comply with the order.

(2) In addition to the amount to be withheld to pay the current month's obligation, the amount to be withheld must include an amount to be applied toward liquidation of overdue support.

(3) The total amount to be withheld under paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2) and, if applicable, (f)(1)(iii) of this section may not exceed the maximum amount permitted under section 303(b) of the Consumer Credit Protection Act (15 U.S.C. 1673(b)).

(4) In the case of a support order being enforced under the State plan, the withholding must occur without the need for any amendment to the support order involved or any other action by the court or entity that issued it other than that required or permitted under this section.

(5) If there is more than one notice for withholding against a single noncustodial parent, the State must allocate amounts available for withholding giving priority to current support up to the limits imposed under section 303(b) of the Consumer Credit Protection Act (15 U.S.C. 1673(b)). The State must establish procedures for allocation of support among families, but in no case shall the allocation result in a withholding for one of the support obligations not being implemented.

(6) The withholding must be carried out in full compliance with all procedural due process requirements of the State.

(7) The State must have procedures for promptly terminating withholding:

(i) In all cases, when there is no longer a current order for support and all arrearages have been satisfied; or,

(ii) At State option, when the noncustodial parent requests termination and withholding has not been terminated previously and subsequently initiated, and the noncustodial parent meets the conditions for an alternative arrangement set forth under paragraph (b)(3) of this section.

(8) The State must have procedures for promptly refunding to noncustodial parents amounts which have been improperly withheld.

(9) Support orders issued or modified in IV-D cases must include a provision requiring the noncustodial parent to keep the IV-D agency informed of the name and address of his or her current employer, whether the noncustodial parent has access to health insurance coverage at reasonable cost and, if so, the health insurance policy information.

(b) Immediate withholding on IV-D cases. (1) In the case of a support order being enforced under this part that is issued or modified on or after November 1, 1990, the income of a noncustodial parent shall be subject to withholding, regardless of whether support payments by such parent are in arrears, on the effective date of the order, except that such income shall not be subject to withholding under this paragraph in any case where:

(i) Either the noncustodial or custodial parent demonstrates, and the court or administrative authority finds, that there is good cause not to require immediate withholding; or

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