Provision of services in intergovernmental IV-D cases.

§ 303.7 Provision of services in intergovernmental IV-D cases.

(a) General responsibilities. A State IV-D agency must:

(1) Establish and use procedures for managing its intergovernmental IV-D caseload that ensure provision of necessary services as required by this section and include maintenance of necessary records in accordance with § 303.2 of this part;

(2) Periodically review program performance on intergovernmental IV-D cases to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedures established under this section;

(3) Ensure that the organizational structure and staff of the IV-D agency are adequate to provide for the administration or supervision of the following functions specified in § 303.20(c) of this part for its intergovernmental IV-D caseload: Intake; establishment of paternity and the legal obligation to support; location; financial assessment; establishment of the amount of child support; collection; monitoring; enforcement; review and adjustment; and investigation;

(4) Use federally-approved forms in intergovernmental IV-D cases, unless a country has provided alternative forms as part of its chapter in A Caseworker's Guide to Processing Cases with Foreign Reciprocating Countries. When using a paper version, this requirement is met by providing the number of complete sets of required documents needed by the responding agency, if one is not sufficient under the responding agency's law;

(5) Transmit requests for information and provide requested information electronically to the greatest extent possible;

(6) Within 30 working days of receiving a request, provide any order and payment record information requested by a State IV-D agency for a controlling order determination and reconciliation of arrearages, or notify the State IV-D agency when the information will be provided;

(7) Notify the other agency within 10 working days of receipt of new information on an intergovernmental case; and

(8) Cooperate with requests for the following limited services: Quick locate, service of process, assistance with discovery, assistance with genetic testing, teleconferenced hearings, administrative reviews, high-volume automated administrative enforcement in interstate cases under section 466(a)(14) of the Act, and copies of court orders and payment records. Requests for other limited services may be honored at the State's option.

(b) Central registry. (1) The State IV-D agency must establish a central registry responsible for receiving, transmitting, and responding to inquiries on all incoming intergovernmental IV-D cases.

(2) Within 10 working days of receipt of an intergovernmental IV-D case, the central registry must:

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