Regulation of residues.

§ 266.112 Regulation of residues.

A residue derived from the burning or processing of hazardous waste in a boiler or industrial furnace is not excluded from the definition of a hazardous waste under § 261.4(b) (4), (7), or (8) unless the device and the owner or operator meet the following requirements:

(a) The device meets the following criteria:

(1) Boilers. Boilers must burn at least 50% coal on a total heat input or mass input basis, whichever results in the greater mass feed rate of coal;

(2) Ore or mineral furnaces. Industrial furnaces subject to § 261.4(b)(7) must process at least 50% by weight normal, nonhazardous raw materials;

(3) Cement kilns. Cement kilns must process at least 50% by weight normal cement-production raw materials;

(b) The owner or operator demonstrates that the hazardous waste does not significantly affect the residue by demonstrating conformance with either of the following criteria:

(1) Comparison of waste-derived residue with normal residue. The waste-derived residue must not contain appendix VIII, part 261 constituents (toxic constituents) that could reasonably be attributable to the hazardous waste at concentrations significantly higher than in residue generated without burning or processing of hazardous waste, using the following procedure. Toxic compounds that could reasonably be attributable to burning or processing the hazardous waste (constituents of concern) include toxic constituents in the hazardous waste, and the organic compounds listed in appendix VIII of this part that may be generated as products of incomplete combustion. For polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo-furans, analyses must be performed to determine specific congeners and homologues, and the results converted to 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalent values using the procedure specified in section 4.0 of appendix IX of this part.

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