Permit standards for burners.

§ 266.102 Permit standards for burners.

(a) Applicability—(1) General. Owners and operators of boilers and industrial furnaces burning hazardous waste and not operating under interim status must comply with the requirements of this section and §§ 270.22 and 270.66 of this chapter, unless exempt under the small quantity burner exemption of § 266.108.

(2) Applicability of part 264 standards. Owners and operators of boilers and industrial furnaces that burn hazardous waste are subject to the following provisions of part 264 of this chapter, except as provided otherwise by this subpart:

(i) In subpart A (General), 264.4;

(ii) In subpart B (General facility standards), §§ 264.11-264.18;

(iii) In subpart C (Preparedness and prevention), §§ 264.31-264.37;

(iv) In subpart D (Contingency plan and emergency procedures), §§ 264.51-264.56;

(v) In subpart E (Manifest system, recordkeeping, and reporting), the applicable provisions of §§ 264.71-264.77;

(vi) In subpart F (Releases from Solid Waste Management Units), §§ 264.90 and 264.101;

(vii) In subpart G (Closure and post-closure), §§ 264.111-264.115;

(viii) In subpart H (Financial requirements), §§ 264.141, 264.142, 264.143, and 264.147-264.151, except that States and the Federal government are exempt from the requirements of subpart H; and

(ix) Subpart BB (Air emission standards for equipment leaks), except §§ 264.1050(a).

(b) Hazardous waste analysis. (1) The owner or operator must provide an analysis of the hazardous waste that quantifies the concentration of any constituent identified in appendix VIII of part 261 of this chapter that may reasonably be expected to be in the waste. Such constituents must be identified and quantified if present, at levels detectable by using appropriate analytical procedures. The appendix VIII, part 261 constituents excluded from this analysis must be identified and the basis for their exclusion explained. This analysis will be used to provide all information required by this subpart and §§ 270.22 and 270.66 of this chapter and to enable the permit writer to prescribe such permit conditions as necessary to protect human health and the environment. Such analysis must be included as a portion of the part B permit application, or, for facilities operating under the interim status standards of this subpart, as a portion of the trial burn plan that may be submitted before the part B application under provisions of § 270.66(g) of this chapter as well as any other analysis required by the permit authority in preparing the permit. Owners and operators of boilers and industrial furnaces not operating under the interim status standards must provide the information required by §§ 270.22 or 270.66(c) of this chapter in the part B application to the greatest extent possible.

(2) Throughout normal operation, the owner or operator must conduct sampling and analysis as necessary to ensure that the hazardous waste, other fuels, and industrial furnace feedstocks fired into the boiler or industrial furnace are within the physical and chemical composition limits specified in the permit.

(c) Emissions standards. Owners and operators must comply with emissions standards provided by §§ 266.104 through 266.107.

(d) Permits. (1) The owner or operator may burn only hazardous wastes specified in the facility permit and only under the operating conditions specified under paragraph (e) of this section, except in approved trial burns under the conditions specified in § 270.66 of this chapter.

(2) Hazardous wastes not specified in the permit may not be burned until operating conditions have been specified under a new permit or permit modification, as applicable. Operating requirements for new wastes may be based on either trial burn results or alternative data included with part B of a permit application under § 270.22 of this chapter.

(3) Boilers and industrial furnaces operating under the interim status standards of § 266.103 are permitted under procedures provided by § 270.66(g) of this chapter.

(4) A permit for a new boiler or industrial furnace (those boilers and industrial furnaces not operating under the interim status standards) must establish appropriate conditions for each of the applicable requirements of this section, including but not limited to allowable hazardous waste firing rates and operating conditions necessary to meet the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section, in order to comply with the following standards:

(i) For the period beginning with initial introduction of hazardous waste and ending with initiation of the trial burn, and only for the minimum time required to bring the device to a point of operational readiness to conduct a trial burn, not to exceed a duration of 720 hours operating time when burning hazardous waste, the operating requirements must be those most likely to ensure compliance with the emission standards of §§ 266.104 through 266.107, based on the Director's engineering judgment. If the applicant is seeking a waiver from a trial burn to demonstrate conformance with a particular emission standard, the operating requirements during this initial period of operation shall include those specified by the applicable provisions of § 266.104, § 266.105, § 266.106, or § 266.107. The Director may extend the duration of this period for up to 720 additional hours when good cause for the extension is demonstrated by the applicant.

(ii) For the duration of the trial burn, the operating requirements must be sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the emissions standards of §§ 266.104 through 266.107 and must be in accordance with the approved trial burn plan;

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