Public participation requirements.

§ 49.157 Public participation requirements.

This section applies to the issuance of minor source permits and synthetic minor source permits, the initial issuance of general permits and coverage of a particular source under a general permit.

(a) What permit information will be publicly available? With the exception of any confidential information as defined in part 2, subpart B of this chapter, the reviewing authority must make available for public inspection the documents listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this section. The reviewing authority must make such information available for public inspection at the appropriate EPA Regional Office and in at least one location in the area affected by the source, such as the Tribal environmental office or a local library.

(1) All information submitted as part of your application for a permit.

(2) Any additional information requested by the reviewing authority.

(3) The reviewing authority's analysis of the application and any additional information you submitted, including (for preconstruction permits and the initial issuance of general permits) the control technology review.

(4) For minor source permits and the initial issuance of general permits, the reviewing authority's analysis of the effect of the construction of the minor source or modification on ambient air quality.

(5) For coverage of a particular source under a general permit, the reviewing authority's analysis of whether your particular emissions unit or source is within the category of emissions units or sources to which the general permit applies, including whether your emissions unit or source meets any criteria to be eligible for coverage under the general permit.

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