Program overview.

§ 49.151 Program overview.

(a) What constitutes the Federal minor new source review (NSR) program in Indian country? As set forth in this Federal Implementation Plan (FIP), the Federal minor NSR program in Indian country (or “program”) consists of §§ 49.151 through 49.165.

(b) What is the purpose of this program? This program has the following purposes:

(1) It satisfies the requirements of section 110(a)(2)(C) of the Act by establishing a pre-construction permitting program for all new and modified minor sources (minor sources) and minor modifications at major sources located in Indian country and by establishing a Federal Implementation Plan (§§ 49.101 through 49.105) for true minor sources in the oil and natural gas production and natural gas processing segments that are located in Indian country.

(2) It establishes a registration system that will allow the reviewing authority to develop and maintain a record of minor source emissions in Indian country.

(3) It provides a mechanism for an otherwise major source to voluntarily accept restrictions on its potential to emit to become a synthetic minor source. This mechanism may also be used by an otherwise major source of HAPs to voluntarily accept restrictions on its potential to emit to become a synthetic minor HAP source. Such restrictions must be enforceable as a practical matter.

(4) It provides an additional mechanism for case-by-case maximum achievable control technology (MACT) determinations for those major sources of HAPs subject to such determinations under section 112(g)(2) of the Act.

(5) It sets forth the criteria and procedures that the reviewing authority (as defined in § 49.152(d)) will use to administer the program.

(c) When and where does this program apply? (1) The provisions of this program apply in all Indian reservation lands where no EPA-approved program is in place and all other areas of Indian country where no EPA-approved program is in place and over which an Indian tribe, or the EPA, has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction, according to the implementation schedule in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section:

(i) Existing major sources. (A) If you wish to begin construction of a minor modification at an existing major source on or after August 30, 2011, you must obtain a permit pursuant to §§ 49.154 and 49.155 (or a general permit pursuant to § 49.156, if applicable) prior to beginning construction.

(B) If you wish to obtain a synthetic minor source permit pursuant § 49.158 to establish a synthetic minor source and/or a synthetic minor HAP source at your existing major source, you may submit a synthetic minor source permit application on or after August 30, 2011. However, if your permit application for a synthetic minor source and/or synthetic minor HAP source pursuant to the FIPs for reservations in Idaho, Oregon and Washington has been determined complete prior to August 30, 2011, you do not need to apply for a synthetic minor source permit under this program.

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