General permits and permits by rule.

§ 49.156 General permits and permits by rule.

This section applies to general permits/permits by rule for the purposes of complying with the preconstruction permitting requirements for sources of regulated NSR pollutants under this program.

(a) What is a general permit? A general permit is a preconstruction permit issued by a reviewing authority that may be applied to a number of similar emissions units or sources. The purpose of a general permit is to simplify the permit issuance process for similar facilities so that a reviewing authority's limited resources need not be expended for case-by-case permit development for such facilities. A general permit may be written to address a single emissions unit, a group of the same type of emissions units or an entire minor source.

(b) How will the reviewing authority issue general permits? The reviewing authority will issue general permits as follows:

(1) A general permit may be issued for a category of emissions units or sources that are similar in nature, have substantially similar emissions and would be subject to the same or substantially similar requirements governing operations, emissions, monitoring, reporting and recordkeeping. “Similar in nature” refers to size, processes and operating conditions.

(2) A general permit must be issued according to the applicable requirements in § 49.154(c), § 49.154(d) and § 49.155, the public participation requirements in § 49.157 and the requirements for final permit issuance and administrative and judicial review in § 49.159.

(3) Issuance of a general permit is considered final agency action with respect to all aspects of the general permit except its applicability to an individual source. The sole issue that may be appealed after an individual source is approved to construct under a general permit (see paragraph (e) of this section) is the applicability of the general permit to that particular source.

(c) For what categories will general permits be issued? (1) The reviewing authority will determine which categories of individual emissions units, groups of similar emissions units or sources are appropriate for general permits in its area.

(2) General permits will be issued at the discretion of the reviewing authority.

(d) What should the general permit contain? The general permit must contain the permit elements listed in § 49.155(a). In addition, the general permit must contain the information listed in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section. The reviewing authority may specify additional general permit terms and conditions.

(1) Identification of the specific category of emissions units or sources to which the general permit applies, including any criteria that your emissions units or source must meet to be eligible for coverage under the general permit.

(2) Information required to request coverage under a general permit including, but not limited to, the following:

(i) The name and mailing address of the reviewing authority to whom you must submit your application.

(ii) The procedure to obtain any standard application forms that the reviewing authority may have developed.

(iii) The information that you must provide to the reviewing authority in your application to demonstrate that you are eligible for coverage under the general permit.

(iv) Other application requirements deemed necessary by the reviewing authority.

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