Payment to States

42 U.S. Code § 1396b. Payment to States

(a) Computation of amountFrom the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary (except as otherwise provided in this section) shall pay to each State which has a plan approved under this subchapter, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter commencing January 1, 1966
an amount equal to the Federal medical assistance percentage (as defined in section 1396d(b) of this title, subject to subsections (g) and (j) of this section and section 1396r–4(f) of this title) of the total amount expended during such quarter as medical assistance under the State plan; plus
an amount equal to 75 per centum of so much of the sums expended during such quarter (as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan) as are attributable to compensation or training of skilled professional medical personnel, and staff directly supporting such personnel, of the State agency or any other public agency; plus
notwithstanding paragraph (1) or subparagraph (A), with respect to amounts expended for nursing aide training and competency evaluation programs, and competency evaluation programs, described in section 1396r(e)(1) of this title (including the costs for nurse aides to complete such competency evaluation programs), regardless of whether the programs are provided in or outside nursing facilities or of the skill of the personnel involved in such programs, an amount equal to 50 percent (or, for calendar quarters beginning on or after July 1, 1988, and before October 1, 1990, the lesser of 90 percent or the Federal medical assistance percentage plus 25 percentage points) of so much of the sums expended during such quarter (as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan) as are attributable to such programs; plus
an amount equal to 75 percent of so much of the sums expended during such quarter (as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan) as are attributable to preadmission screening and resident review activities conducted by the State under section 1396r(e)(7) of this title; plus
(D) for each calendar quarter during—
fiscal year 1991, an amount equal to 90 percent,
fiscal year 1992, an amount equal to 85 percent,
fiscal year 1993, an amount equal to 80 percent, and
fiscal year 1994 and thereafter, an amount equal to 75 percent,
of so much of the sums expended during such quarter (as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan) as are attributable to State activities under section 1396r(g) of this title; plus
an amount equal to 75 percent of so much of the sums expended during such quarter (as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan) as are attributable to translation or interpretation services in connection with the enrollment of, retention of, and use of services under this subchapter by, children of families for whom English is not the primary language; plus
(3) an amount equal to—
90 per centum of so much of the sums expended during such quarter as are attributable to the design, development, or installation of such mechanized claims processing and information retrieval systems as the Secretary determines are likely to provide more efficient, economical, and effective administration of the plan and to be compatible with the claims processing and information retrieval systems utilized in the administration of subchapter XVIII, including the State’s share of the cost of installing such a system to be used jointly in the administration of such State’s plan and the plan of any other State approved under this subchapter,
90 per centum of so much of the sums expended during any such quarter in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, or the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, as are attributable to the design, development, or installation of cost determination systems for State-owned general hospitals (except that the total amount paid to all States under this clause for either such fiscal year shall not exceed $150,000), and
an amount equal to the Federal medical assistance percentage (as defined in section 1396d(b) of this title) of so much of the sums expended during such quarter (as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan) as are attributable to such developments or modifications of systems of the type described in clause (i) as are necessary for the efficient collection and reporting on child health measures; and
75 per centum of so much of the sums expended during such quarter as are attributable to the operation of systems (whether such systems are operated directly by the State or by another person under a contract with the State) of the type described in subparagraph (A)(i) (whether or not designed, developed, or installed with assistance under such subparagraph) which are approved by the Secretary and which include provision for prompt written notice to each individual who is furnished services covered by the plan, or to each individual in a sample group of individuals who are furnished such services, of the specific services (other than confidential services) so covered, the name of the person or persons furnishing the services, the date or dates on which the services were furnished, and the amount of the payment or payments made under the plan on account of the services; and
75 per centum of the sums expended with respect to costs incurred during such quarter (as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan) as are attributable to the performance of medical and utilization review by a utilization and quality control peer review organization [1] or by an entity which meets the requirements of section 1320c–1 of this title, as determined by the Secretary, under a contract entered into under section 1396a(d) of this title; and
75 percent of the sums expended with respect to costs incurred during such quarter (as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan) as are attributable to the performance of independent external reviews conducted under section 1396u–2(c)(2) of this title; and
75 percent of so much of the sums expended by the State plan during a quarter in 1991, 1992, or 1993, as the Secretary determines is attributable to the statewide adoption of a drug use review program which conforms to the requirements of section 1396r–8(g) of this title;
(E) 50 percent of the sums expended with respect to costs incurred during such quarter as are attributable to providing—
services to identify and educate individuals who are likely to be eligible for medical assistance under this subchapter and who have Sickle Cell Disease or who are carriers of the sickle cell gene, including education regarding how to identify such individuals; or
education regarding the risks of stroke and other complications, as well as the prevention of stroke and other complications, in individuals who are likely to be eligible for medical assistance under this subchapter and who have Sickle Cell Disease; and
100 percent of so much of the sums expended during such quarter as are attributable to payments to Medicaid providers described in subsection (t)(1) to encourage the adoption and use of certified EHR technology; and
90 percent of so much of the sums expended during such quarter as are attributable to payments for reasonable administrative expenses related to the administration of payments described in clause (i) if the State meets the condition described in subsection (t)(9); plus
[2] 90 percent of the sums expended during the quarter as are attributable to the design, development, or installation of such mechanized verification and information retrieval systems as the Secretary determines are necessary to implement section 1396a(ee) of this title (including a system described in paragraph (2)(B) thereof), [3] and
75 percent of the sums expended during the quarter as are attributable to the operation of systems to which clause (i) applies,3 plus
an amount equal to 100 percent of the sums expended during the quarter which are attributable to the costs of the implementation and operation of the immigration status verification system described in section 1320b–7(d) of this title; plus
an amount equal to 90 per centum of the sums expended during such quarter which are attributable to the offering, arranging, and furnishing (directly or on a contract basis) of family planning services and supplies;
(6) subject to subsection (b)(3), an amount equal to—
90 per centum of the sums expended during such a quarter within the twelve-quarter period beginning with the first quarter in which a payment is made to the State pursuant to this paragraph, and
75 per centum of the sums expended during each succeeding calendar quarter,
with respect to costs incurred during such quarter which are attributable to the establishment and operation of (including the training of personnel employed by) a State medicaid fraud control unit (described in subsection (q)); plus
subject to section 1396r(g)(3)(B) of this title, an amount equal to 50 per centum of the remainder of the amounts expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan.
(b) Quarterly expenditures beginning after December 31, 1969
Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, the amount determined under subsection (a)(1) for any State for any quarter beginning after December 31, 1969, shall not take into account any amounts expended as medical assistance with respect to individuals aged 65 or over and disabled individuals entitled to hospital insurance benefits under subchapter XVIII which would not have been so expended if the individuals involved had been enrolled in the insurance program established by part B of subchapter XVIII, other than amounts expended under provisions of the plan of such State required by section 1396a(a)(34) of this title.
For limitation on Federal participation for capital expenditures which are out of conformity with a comprehensive plan of a State or areawide planning agency, see section 1320a–1 of this title.
(3) The amount of funds which the Secretary is otherwise obligated to pay a State during a quarter under subsection (a)(6) may not exceed the higher of—
$125,000, or
one-quarter of 1 per centum of the sums expended by the Federal, State, and local governments during the previous quarter in carrying out the State’s plan under this subchapter.
(4) Amounts expended by a State for the use of an enrollment broker in marketing medicaid managed care organizations and other managed care entities to eligible individuals under this subchapter shall be considered, for purposes of subsection (a)(7), to be necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan but only if the following conditions are met with respect to the broker:
The broker is independent of any such entity and of any health care providers (whether or not any such provider participates in the State plan under this subchapter) that provide coverage of services in the same State in which the broker is conducting enrollment activities.
No person who is an owner, employee, consultant, or has a contract with the broker either has any direct or indirect financial interest with such an entity or health care provider or has been excluded from participation in the program under this subchapter or subchapter XVIII or debarred by any Federal agency, or subject to a civil money penalty under this chapter.
Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this section, the amount determined under subsection (a)(1) for any State shall be decreased in a quarter by the amount of any health care related taxes (described in subsection (w)(3)(A)) [4] that are imposed on a hospital described in subsection (w)(3)(F) in that quarter.
(c) Treatment of educationally-related services
Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed as prohibiting or restricting, or authorizing the Secretary to prohibit or restrict, payment under subsection (a) for medical assistance for covered services furnished to a child with a disability because such services are included in the child’s individualized education program established pursuant to part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [20 U.S.C. 1411 et seq.] or furnished to an infant or toddler with a disability because such services are included in the child’s individualized family service plan adopted pursuant to part C of such Act [20 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.].
(d) Estimates of State entitlement; installments; adjustments to reflect overpayments or underpayments; time for recovery or adjustment; uncollectable or discharged debts; obligated appropriations; disputed claims
Prior to the beginning of each quarter, the Secretary shall estimate the amount to which a State will be entitled under subsections (a) and (b) for such quarter, such estimates to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with the provisions of such subsections, and stating the amount appropriated or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State’s proportionate share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, and (B) such other investigation as the Secretary may find necessary.
The Secretary shall then pay to the State, in such installments as he may determine, the amount so estimated, reduced or increased to the extent of any overpayment or underpayment which the Secretary determines was made under this section to such State for any prior quarter and with respect to which adjustment has not already been made under this subsection.
Expenditures for which payments were made to the State under subsection (a) shall be treated as an overpayment to the extent that the State or local agency administering such plan has been reimbursed for such expenditures by a third party pursuant to the provisions of its plan in compliance with section 1396a(a)(25) of this title.
For purposes of this subsection, when an overpayment is discovered, which was made by a State to a person or other entity, the State shall have a period of 1 year in which to recover or attempt to recover such overpayment before adjustment is made in the Federal payment to such State on account of such overpayment. Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (D), the adjustment in the Federal payment shall be made at the end of the 1-year period, whether or not recovery was made.
In any case where the State is unable to recover a debt which represents an overpayment (or any portion thereof) made to a person or other entity on account of such debt having been discharged in bankruptcy or otherwise being uncollectable, no adjustment shall be made in the Federal payment to such State on account of such overpayment (or portion thereof).
In any case where the State is unable to recover a debt which represents an overpayment (or any portion thereof) made to a person or other entity due to fraud within 1 year of discovery because there is not a final determination of the amount of the overpayment under an administrative or judicial process (as applicable), including as a result of a judgment being under appeal, no adjustment shall be made in the Federal payment to such State on account of such overpayment (or portion thereof) before the date that is 30 days after the date on which a final judgment (including, if applicable, a final determination on an appeal) is made.
The pro rata share to which the United States is equitably entitled, as determined by the Secretary, of the net amount recovered during any quarter by the State or any political subdivision thereof with respect to medical assistance furnished under the State plan shall be considered an overpayment to be adjusted under this subsection.
Subparagraph (A) and paragraph (2)(B) shall not apply to any amount recovered or paid to a State as part of the comprehensive settlement of November 1998 between manufacturers of tobacco products, as defined in section 5702(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and State Attorneys General, or as part of any individual State settlement or judgment reached in litigation initiated or pursued by a State against one or more such manufacturers.
Except as provided in subsection (i)(19), a State may use amounts recovered or paid to the State as part of a comprehensive or individual settlement, or a judgment, described in clause (i) for any expenditures determined appropriate by the State.
Upon the making of any estimate by the Secretary under this subsection, any appropriations available for payments under this section shall be deemed obligated.
In any case in which the Secretary estimates that there has been an overpayment under this section to a State on the basis of a claim by such State that has been disallowed by the Secretary under section 1316(d) of this title, and such State disputes such disallowance, the amount of the Federal payment in controversy shall, at the option of the State, be retained by such State or recovered by the Secretary pending a final determination with respect to such payment amount. If such final determination is to the effect that any amount was properly disallowed, and the State chose to retain payment of the amount in controversy, the Secretary shall offset, from any subsequent payments made to such State under this subchapter, an amount equal to the proper amount of the disallowance plus interest on such amount disallowed for the period beginning on the date such amount was disallowed and ending on the date of such final determination at a rate (determined by the Secretary) based on the average of the bond equivalent of the weekly 90-day treasury bill auction rates during such period.
(A) Each State (as defined in subsection (w)(7)(D)) shall include, in the first report submitted under paragraph (1) after the end of each fiscal year, information related to—
provider-related donations made to the State or units of local government during such fiscal year, and
health care related taxes collected by the State or such units during such fiscal year.
Each State shall include, in the first report submitted under paragraph (1) after the end of each fiscal year, information related to the total amount of payment adjustments made, and the amount of payment adjustments made to individual providers (by provider), under section 1396r–4(c) of this title during such fiscal year.
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