Payment for covered outpatient drugs

42 U.S. Code § 1396r-8. Payment for covered outpatient drugs

(a) Requirement for rebate agreement
(1) In general
In order for payment to be available under section 1396b(a) of this title or under part B of subchapter XVIII for covered outpatient drugs of a manufacturer, the manufacturer must have entered into and have in effect a rebate agreement described in subsection (b) with the Secretary, on behalf of States (except that, the Secretary may authorize a State to enter directly into agreements with a manufacturer), and must meet the requirements of paragraph (5) (with respect to drugs purchased by a covered entity on or after the first day of the first month that begins after November 4, 1992) and paragraph (6). Any agreement between a State and a manufacturer prior to April 1, 1991, shall be deemed to have been entered into on January 1, 1991, and payment to such manufacturer shall be retroactively calculated as if the agreement between the manufacturer and the State had been entered into on January 1, 1991. If a manufacturer has not entered into such an agreement before March 1, 1991, such an agreement, subsequently entered into, shall become effective as of the date on which the agreement is entered into or, at State option, on any date thereafter on or before the first day of the calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date the agreement is entered into.
(2) Effective date
Paragraph (1) shall first apply to drugs dispensed under this subchapter on or after January 1, 1991.
(3) Authorizing payment for drugs not covered under rebate agreements
Paragraph (1), and section 1396b(i)(10)(A) of this title, shall not apply to the dispensing of a single source drug or innovator multiple source drug if (A)(i) the State has made a determination that the availability of the drug is essential to the health of beneficiaries under the State plan for medical assistance; (ii) such drug has been given a rating of 1–A by the Food and Drug Administration; and (iii)(I) the physician has obtained approval for use of the drug in advance of its dispensing in accordance with a prior authorization program described in subsection (d), or (II) the Secretary has reviewed and approved the State’s determination under subparagraph (A); or (B) the Secretary determines that in the first calendar quarter of 1991, there were extenuating circumstances. The preceding sentence shall not apply to a single source drug or innovator multiple source drug of a manufacturer for any period described in section 5000D(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 with respect to the manufacturer.
(4) Effect on existing agreements
In the case of a rebate agreement in effect between a State and a manufacturer on November 5, 1990, such agreement, for the initial agreement period specified therein, shall be considered to be a rebate agreement in compliance with this section with respect to that State, if the State agrees to report to the Secretary any rebates paid pursuant to the agreement and such agreement provides for a minimum aggregate rebate of 10 percent of the State’s total expenditures under the State plan for coverage of the manufacturer’s drugs under this subchapter. If, after the initial agreement period, the State establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary that an agreement in effect on November 5, 1990, provides for rebates that are at least as large as the rebates otherwise required under this section, and the State agrees to report any rebates under the agreement to the Secretary, the agreement shall be considered to be a rebate agreement in compliance with the section for the renewal periods of such agreement.
(5) Limitation on prices of drugs purchased by covered entities
(A) Agreement with Secretary
A manufacturer meets the requirements of this paragraph if the manufacturer has entered into an agreement with the Secretary that meets the requirements of section 256b of this title with respect to covered outpatient drugs purchased by a covered entity on or after the first day of the first month that begins after November 4, 1992.
(B) “Covered entity” defined
In this subsection, the term “covered entity” means an entity described in section 256b(a)(4) of this title.
(C) Establishment of alternative mechanism to ensure against duplicate discounts or rebatesIf the Secretary does not establish a mechanism under section 256b(a)(5)(A) of this title within 12 months of November 4, 1992, the following requirements shall apply:
(i) Entities
Each covered entity shall inform the single State agency under section 1396a(a)(5) of this title when it is seeking reimbursement from the State plan for medical assistance described in section 1396d(a)(12) of this title with respect to a unit of any covered outpatient drug which is subject to an agreement under section 256b(a) of this title.
(ii) State agency
Each such single State agency shall provide a means by which a covered entity shall indicate on any drug reimbursement claims form (or format, where electronic claims management is used) that a unit of the drug that is the subject of the form is subject to an agreement under section 256b of this title, and not submit to any manufacturer a claim for a rebate payment under subsection (b) with respect to such a drug.
(D) Effect of subsequent amendments
In determining whether an agreement under subparagraph (A) meets the requirements of section 256b of this title, the Secretary shall not take into account any amendments to such section that are enacted after November 4, 1992.
(E) Determination of compliance
A manufacturer is deemed to meet the requirements of this paragraph if the manufacturer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the manufacturer would comply (and has offered to comply) with the provisions of section 256b of this title (as in effect immediately after November 4, 1992) and would have entered into an agreement under such section (as such section was in effect at such time), but for a legislative change in such section after November 4, 1992.
(6) Requirements relating to master agreements for drugs procured by Department of Veterans Affairs and certain other Federal agencies
(A) In general
A manufacturer meets the requirements of this paragraph if the manufacturer complies with the provisions of section 8126 of title 38, including the requirement of entering into a master agreement with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs under such section.
(B) Effect of subsequent amendments
In determining whether a master agreement described in subparagraph (A) meets the requirements of section 8126 of title 38, the Secretary shall not take into account any amendments to such section that are enacted after November 4, 1992.
(C) Determination of compliance
A manufacturer is deemed to meet the requirements of this paragraph if the manufacturer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the manufacturer would comply (and has offered to comply) with the provisions of section 8126 of title 38, (as in effect immediately after November 4, 1992) and would have entered into an agreement under such section (as such section was in effect at such time), but for a legislative change in such section after November 4, 1992.
(7) Requirement for submission of utilization data for certain physician administered drugs
(A) Single source drugs
In order for payment to be available under section 1396b(a) of this title for a covered outpatient drug that is a single source drug that is physician administered under this subchapter (as determined by the Secretary), and that is administered on or after January 1, 2006, the State shall provide for the collection and submission of such utilization data and coding (such as J-codes and National Drug Code numbers) for each such drug as the Secretary may specify as necessary to identify the manufacturer of the drug in order to secure rebates under this section for drugs administered for which payment is made under this subchapter.
(B) Multiple source drugs
(i) Identification of most frequently physician administered multiple source drugs
Not later than January 1, 2007, the Secretary shall publish a list of the 20 physician administered multiple source drugs that the Secretary determines have the highest dollar volume of physician administered drugs dispensed under this subchapter. The Secretary may modify such list from year to year to reflect changes in such volume.
(ii) Requirement
In order for payment to be available under section 1396b(a) of this title for a covered outpatient drug that is a multiple source drug that is physician administered (as determined by the Secretary), that is on the list published under clause (i), and that is administered on or after January 1, 2008, the State shall provide for the submission of such utilization data and coding (such as J-codes and National Drug Code numbers) for each such drug as the Secretary may specify as necessary to identify the manufacturer of the drug in order to secure rebates under this section.
(C) Use of NDC codes
Not later than January 1, 2007, the information shall be submitted under subparagraphs (A) and (B)(ii) using National Drug Code codes unless the Secretary specifies that an alternative coding system should be used.
(D) Hardship waiver
The Secretary may delay the application of subparagraph (A) or (B)(ii), or both, in the case of a State to prevent hardship to States which require additional time to implement the reporting system required under the respective subparagraph.
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