Adjustment in payment for inpatient hospital services furnished by disproportionate share hospitals

42 U.S. Code § 1396r-4. Adjustment in payment for inpatient hospital services furnished by disproportionate share hospitals

(a) Implementation of requirement
(1) A State plan under this subchapter shall not be considered to meet the requirement of section 1396a(a)(13)(A)(iv) of this title (insofar as it requires payments to hospitals to take into account the situation of hospitals which serve a disproportionate number of low income patients with special needs), as of July 1, 1988, unless the State has submitted to the Secretary, by not later than such date, an amendment to such plan that—
specifically defines the hospitals so described (and includes in such definition any disproportionate share hospital described in subsection (b)(1) which meets the requirements of subsection (d)), and
provides, effective for inpatient hospital services provided not later than July 1, 1988, for an appropriate increase in the rate or amount of payment for such services provided by such hospitals, consistent with subsection (c).
In order to be considered to have met such requirement of section 1396a(a)(13)(A) of this title as of July 1, 1989, the State must submit to the Secretary by not later than April 1, 1989, the State plan amendment described in paragraph (1), consistent with subsection (c), effective for inpatient hospital services provided on or after July 1, 1989.
In order to be considered to have met such requirement of section 1396a(a)(13)(A) of this title as of July 1, 1990, the State must submit to the Secretary by not later than April 1, 1990, the State plan amendment described in paragraph (1), consistent with subsections (c) and (f), effective for inpatient hospital services provided on or after July 1, 1990.
If a State plan under this subchapter provides for payments for inpatient hospital services on a prospective basis (whether per diem, per case, or otherwise), in order for the plan to be considered to have met such requirement of section 1396a(a)(13)(A) of this title as of July 1, 1989, the State must submit to the Secretary by not later than April 1, 1989, a State plan amendment that provides, in the case of hospitals defined by the State as disproportionate share hospitals under paragraph (1)(A), for an outlier adjustment in payment amounts for medically necessary inpatient hospital services provided on or after July 1, 1989, involving exceptionally high costs or exceptionally long lengths of stay for individuals under one year of age.
A State plan under this subchapter shall not be considered to meet the requirements of section 1396a(a)(13)(A)(iv) of this title (insofar as it requires payments to hospitals to take into account the situation of hospitals that serve a disproportionate number of low-income patients with special needs), as of October 1, 1998, unless the State has submitted to the Secretary by such date a description of the methodology used by the State to identify and to make payments to disproportionate share hospitals, including children’s hospitals, on the basis of the proportion of low-income and medicaid patients (including such patients who receive benefits through a managed care entity) served by such hospitals. The State shall provide an annual report to the Secretary describing the disproportionate share payments to each such disproportionate share hospital.
The Secretary shall, not later than 90 days after the date a State submits an amendment under this subsection, review each such amendment for compliance with such requirement and by such date shall approve or disapprove each such amendment. If the Secretary disapproves such an amendment, the State shall immediately submit a revised amendment which meets such requirement.
The requirement of this subsection may not be waived under section 1396n(b)(4) of this title.
(b) Hospitals deemed disproportionate share
(1) For purposes of subsection (a)(1), a hospital which meets the requirements of subsection (d) is deemed to be a disproportionate share hospital if—
the hospital’s medicaid inpatient utilization rate (as defined in paragraph (2)) is at least one standard deviation above the mean medicaid inpatient utilization rate for hospitals receiving medicaid payments in the State; or
the hospital’s low-income utilization rate (as defined in paragraph (3)) exceeds 25 percent.
For purposes of paragraph (1)(A), the term “medicaid inpatient utilization rate” means, for a hospital, a fraction (expressed as a percentage), the numerator of which is the hospital’s number of inpatient days attributable to patients who (for such days) were eligible for medical assistance under a State plan approved under this subchapter in a period (regardless of whether such patients receive medical assistance on a fee-for-service basis or through a managed care entity), and the denominator of which is the total number of the hospital’s inpatient days in that period. In this paragraph, the term “inpatient day” includes each day in which an individual (including a newborn) is an inpatient in the hospital, whether or not the individual is in a specialized ward and whether or not the individual remains in the hospital for lack of suitable placement elsewhere.
(3) For purposes of paragraph (1)(B), the term “low-income utilization rate” means, for a hospital, the sum of—
(A) the fraction (expressed as a percentage)—
the numerator of which is the sum (for a period) of (I) the total revenues paid the hospital for patient services under a State plan under this subchapter (regardless of whether the services were furnished on a fee-for-service basis or through a managed care entity) and (II) the amount of the cash subsidies for patient services received directly from State and local governments, and
the denominator of which is the total amount of revenues of the hospital for patient services (including the amount of such cash subsidies) in the period; and
(B) a fraction (expressed as a percentage)—
the numerator of which is the total amount of the hospital’s charges for inpatient hospital services which are attributable to charity care in a period, less the portion of any cash subsidies described in clause (i)(II) of subparagraph (A) in the period reasonably attributable to inpatient hospital services, and
the denominator of which is the total amount of the hospital’s charges for inpatient hospital services in the hospital in the period.
The numerator under subparagraph (B)(i) shall not include contractual allowances and discounts (other than for indigent patients not eligible for medical assistance under a State plan approved under this subchapter).
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