LRN’s 2023 Code of Conduct Report: Raising the bar on code effectiveness

9 minute read

Your code of conduct is not only the most important document for your ethics and compliance program but also your company’s most important document—period. Your code is your culture written down. It’s a declaration of who you are, why you exist, what you believe, what you value, how you make decisions, do business, and interact with your many and varied stakeholders. The most effective codes inspire employees by connecting them to your company’s purpose and values, guide employees in living out those values at work every day, and enable them to make ethical decisions and spot ethics and compliance risks they may face on the job.

The Code of Conduct Report released by LRN Corporation in July 2023 reveals that many companies understand the need for a code of conduct and the basic standards and expectations around codes.[1] However, there is still significant room for companies to strengthen their codes of conduct and make them a more valuable tool to promote ethical corporate culture, which evidence has shown is a key driver of stronger business performance. A large proportion (about 2 in 5) of the world’s top publicly traded companies have work to do to meet basic expectations for more effective codes of conduct. Further, speak-up culture appears deficient in most companies, as less than two-thirds of all codes include a section on reporting misconduct, and fewer than 3 in 5 have strong nonretaliation policies stated for those who do so. 

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