The digital frontier: Mitigating risk in the face of AI and emerging cyber threats

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In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a disruptive force with the potential to reshape entire industries and professions. Its ability to augment human capabilities, introduce intelligent automation, and analyze vast data sets has attracted many companies seeking to unlock new levels of innovation and efficiency.

Despite enormous opportunities, AI’s emergence has brought a slew of new risks and regulations to the private sector.[1],[2] Executives now face added complexity as they integrate new AI tools into existing business models and seek to balance potential benefits and threats. More than ever, an updated framework is needed to address risk management and ensure companies are prepared for the new era of digital innovation.

To combat threats in a compliant way, executives must embrace the enhanced and accelerated sharing of information across the organization, build awareness of new opportunities, and educate employees on cyber and related AI risks. Only by integrating transparency across the entire business function can leaders prepare their firms for what’s ahead.

While AI and other digital innovations offer immense promise for businesses, many firms have rushed to get involved without developing a comprehensive risk framework. Instead of acting immediately, an optimal strategy involves planning to address new and evolving risks thoughtfully and with agility while protecting employees and customers for the long term. Bringing together siloed teams into a broader compliance and ethics program is key to getting ahead of hidden risks and ensuring leaders are equipped with the necessary information to make informed decisions. Additionally, cybersecurity readiness must be a priority across the C-suite as cyber threats grow more sophisticated.

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