Blah, blah, blah . . . Did you understand it?

8 minute read

How many times have you been confused by a person? When was the last time someone asked you to repeat what you were saying because they couldn’t understand you? The “blah, blah, blah” is more common than we think.

Communication is essential for compliance officers and auditors, as it helps obtain necessary information. It is a complex skill because it doesn’t depend only on the speaker.

Pay attention to this: When someone speaks, what they say is only 10% of the message. Thirty percent is tone of voice, and 60% is body language. That is, 90% of the message lies not in what we are saying but in our tone and posture.[1] Has this happened to you? A person seems angry, but when you ask what is wrong, they answer, “Nothing. I’m fine.” Do you believe them? Of course not. Their posture and tone are not consistent with what they are telling you. And if they are not consistent, then what they say is not credible. For this reason, police officers, investigators, and even auditors are trained in nonverbal language precisely because of its importance. Sometimes, you can easily spot lies by looking at a person.

So, we must learn to communicate clearly and effectively because, as compliance officers and auditors, we must turn to people for information and explanations. And that’s when you need to be skillful. The more comfortable someone is with you, the more open they will be to sharing information and providing what you need.

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