WTC Health Program Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee; WTC Health Program Steering Committees

42 U.S. Code § 300mm-1. WTC Health Program Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee; WTC Health Program Steering Committees

(a) Advisory Committee
(1) Establishment
The WTC Program Administrator shall establish an advisory committee to be known as the WTC Health Program Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee (in this subsection referred to as the “Advisory Committee”) to review scientific and medical evidence and to make recommendations to the Administrator on additional WTC Program eligibility criteria and on additional WTC-related health conditions.
(2) CompositionThe WTC Program Administrator shall appoint the members of the Advisory Committee and shall include at least—
4 occupational physicians, at least 2 of whom have experience treating WTC rescue and recovery workers;
1 physician with expertise in pulmonary medicine;
2 environmental medicine or environmental health specialists;
2 representatives of WTC responders;
2 representatives of certified-eligible WTC survivors;
an industrial hygienist;
a toxicologist;
an epidemiologist; and
a mental health professional.
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