What are the safeguards and processes that comprehensive Tribal IV-D agencies must have in place to ensure the security and privacy of Computerized Tribal IV-D Systems and Office Automation?

§ 310.15 What are the safeguards and processes that comprehensive Tribal IV-D agencies must have in place to ensure the security and privacy of Computerized Tribal IV-D Systems and Office Automation?

(a) Information integrity and security. The comprehensive Tribal IV-D agency must have safeguards on the integrity, accuracy, completeness, access to, and use of data in the Computerized Tribal IV-D System and Office Automation. Computerized Tribal IV-D Systems and Office Automation should be compliant with the Federal Information Security Management Act, and the Privacy Act. The required safeguards must include written policies and procedures concerning the following:

(1) Periodic evaluations of the system for risk of security and privacy breaches;

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