What are the functional requirements for the Model Tribal IV-D System?

§ 310.10 What are the functional requirements for the Model Tribal IV-D System?

A Model Tribal IV-D System must:

(a) Accept, maintain and process the actions in the support collection and paternity determination processes under the Tribal IV-D plan, including:

(1) Identifying information such as Social Security numbers, names, dates of birth, home addresses and mailing addresses (including postal zip codes) on individuals against whom paternity and support obligations are sought to be established or enforced and on individuals to whom support obligations are owed, and other data as may be requested by OCSE;

(2) Verifying information on individuals referred to in paragraph (a)(1) of this section with Tribal, Federal, State and local agencies, both intra-tribal and intergovernmental;

(3) Maintaining information pertaining to:

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