VOC emissions control requirements for storage vessels.

§ 49.4173 VOC emissions control requirements for storage vessels.

(a) Applicability. The VOC emissions control requirements of this section apply to storage vessels at an oil and natural gas source (as specified in § 49.4169(b)) as follows:

(1) For oil and natural gas sources that began operations before February 6, 2023, the VOC emissions control requirements of this section apply when the source-wide potential for VOC emissions from the collection of all storage vessels, glycol dehydrators, and pneumatic pumps is equal to or greater than 4 tpy, as determined according to this section. The potential for VOC emissions must be calculated using a generally accepted model or calculation methodology, based on the maximum average daily throughput determined for a 30-day period of production during the 12 months before the compliance deadline for the affected source under this rule. The determination may take into account requirements under a legally and practicably enforceable limit in an operating permit or other federally enforceable requirement. You must reevaluate the source-wide VOC emissions from the collection of all storage vessels, glycol dehydrators and pneumatic pumps for each modification to an existing source; or

(2) For oil and natural gas sources that began operations on or after February 6, 2023, the VOC emissions control requirements of this section apply upon startup of operation.

(3) Modification to an oil and natural gas source requires a re-evaluation of the source-wide VOC emissions from the collection of all storage vessels, glycol dehydrators and pneumatic pumps. Adding production from a new well or increasing production at an existing well is considered a modification of a well site. Increasing maximum throughput at a tank battery, compressor station or natural gas processing plant is considered a modification.

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