VOC emissions control requirements for fugitive emissions.

§ 49.4178 VOC emissions control requirements for fugitive emissions.

(a) Applicability. The requirements of this section apply to all owners or operators of the collection of fugitive emissions components, as defined in § 49.4171, located at any oil and natural gas source, as identified in § 49.4169(b), except that this section does not apply to owners or operators of the collection of fugitive emissions components at an oil and natural gas source that is subject to the fugitive emissions monitoring requirements in 40 CFR part 60, subpart OOOOa.

(b) Owners or operators of the collection of fugitive emissions components must comply with paragraph (d) of this section if either of the following is true:

(1) The collection of fugitive emissions components is located at an oil and natural gas source that is required to control VOC emissions according to §§ 49.4173 through 49.4177 of this section (i.e., the source-wide potential for VOC emissions from the collection of all storage vessels, glycol dehydrators, and pneumatic pumps is equal to or greater than 4 tpy, as determined according to § 49.4173(a)(1)); or

(2) The collection of fugitive emissions components is located at a well site, as defined in 40 CFR 60.5430a, that at any time has total production greater than 15 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) per day based on a rolling 12-month average.

(c) Owners or operators of the collection of fugitive emissions components for which neither (b)(1) nor (b)(2) is true must comply with either paragraph (c)(1) or paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(1) You must monitor all fugitive emissions components and repair all sources of fugitive emissions in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section. You must keep records in accordance with § 49.4183 and report in accordance with § 49.4184; or

(2) You must maintain the total production for the well site at or below 15 boe per day based on a rolling 12-month average. You must demonstrate that the total daily oil and natural gas production from the collection of all wells producing to the well site is at or below 15 boe per day, based on a 12-month rolling average, according to the procedures in paragraph (e) of this section. You must maintain records as specified in § 49.4183(a)(11).

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