Vendor management A through Z

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How many vendors does your organization work with? Do all your vendors have the proper credentials and qualifications to do the job you expect them to do? Did your organization exercise its due diligence by screening all your vendors? How and where is all the documentation (including credentialing and screening, legal contracts, training, and education) stored? Do your vendors receive any orientation or periodic training from you? Do your vendors understand your organization’s expectations in terms of compliance? These seem to be simple questions, but not so easy to answer. Depending on your organization’s size and line of business, there may be hundreds—even thousands—of vendors and contractors it interacts with regularly. Hence, it may be complicated and challenging for your compliance team to have all the answers right away—especially when the internal processes are fragmented. From a risk-control perspective, vendor management is not an area that should be missed or taken lightly, given the amount of risk and liability that vendors could potentially cause to your organization’s bottom line.

Because each entity’s set-up or structure varies, vendor management may be under another job function. Some may ask, “So, where does compliance fit in all of this?” Since promoting lawful and ethical behavior and ensuring the organization has hired law-abiding vendors are part of compliance’s responsibility, compliance’s focus on and participation in vendor management will not only help minimize the organization’s exposure to unnecessary liability and risk but also protect it from any reputational damage in the court of public opinion.

It is no secret that government agencies have emphasized the importance of vendor management and compliance through their guidelines and publications, but how to truly operationalize and implement those recommendations is what many compliance teams often struggle with. This article aims to outline the concrete action items that fellow compliance professionals can take to help reduce their exposure to risks and liabilities in connection with vendor management.

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