Treatment surface impoundment exemption.

§ 268.4 Treatment surface impoundment exemption.

(a) Wastes which are otherwise prohibited from land disposal under this part may be treated in a surface impoundment or series of impoundments provided that:

(1) Treatment of such wastes occurs in the impoundments;

(2) The following conditions are met:

(i) Sampling and testing. For wastes with treatment standards in subpart D of this part and/or prohibition levels in subpart C of this part or RCRA section 3004(d), the residues from treatment are analyzed, as specified in § 268.7 or § 268.32, to determine if they meet the applicable treatment standards or where no treatment standards have been established for the waste, the applicable prohibition levels. The sampling method, specified in the waste analysis plan under § 264.13 or § 265.13, must be designed such that representative samples of the sludge and the supernatant are tested separately rather than mixed to form homogeneous samples.

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