Testing, tracking, and recordkeeping requirements for generators, reverse distributors, treaters, and disposal facilities.

§ 268.7 Testing, tracking, and recordkeeping requirements for generators, reverse distributors, treaters, and disposal facilities.

(a) Requirements for generators and reverse distributors—(1) A generator of hazardous waste must determine if the waste has to be treated before it can be land disposed. This is done by determining if the hazardous waste meets the treatment standards in § 268.40, 268.45, or § 268.49. This determination can be made concurrently with the hazardous waste determination required in § 262.11 of this chapter, in either of two ways: testing the waste or using knowledge of the waste. If the generator tests the waste, testing would normally determine the total concentration of hazardous constituents, or the concentration of hazardous constituents in an extract of the waste obtained using test method 1311 in “Test Methods of Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” EPA Publication SW–846, (incorporated by reference, see § 260.11 of this chapter), depending on whether the treatment standard for the waste is expressed as a total concentration or concentration of hazardous constituent in the waste's extract. (Alternatively, the generator must send the waste to a RCRA-permitted hazardous waste treatment facility, where the waste treatment facility must comply with the requirements of § 264.13 of this chapter and paragraph (b) of this section.) In addition, some hazardous wastes must be treated by particular treatment methods before they can be land disposed and some soils are contaminated by such hazardous wastes. These treatment standards are also found in § 268.40, and are described in detail in § 268.42, Table 1. These wastes, and soils contaminated with such wastes, do not need to be tested (however, if they are in a waste mixture, other wastes with concentration level treatment standards would have to be tested). If a generator determines they are managing a waste or soil contaminated with a waste, that displays a hazardous characteristic of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity, they must comply with the special requirements of § 268.9 of this part in addition to any applicable requirements in this section.

(2) If the waste or contaminated soil does not meet the treatment standards, or if the generator chooses not to make the determination of whether his waste must be treated, with the initial shipment of waste to each treatment or storage facility, the generator must send a one-time written notice to each treatment or storage facility receiving the waste, and place a copy in the file. The notice must include the information in column “268.7(a)(2)” of the Generator Paperwork Requirements Table in paragraph (a)(4) of this section. (Alternatively, if the generator chooses not to make the determination of whether the waste must be treated, the notification must include the EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers and Manifest Number of the first shipment and must state “This hazardous waste may or may not be subject to the LDR treatment standards. The treatment facility must make the determination.”) No further notification is necessary until such time that the waste or facility change, in which case a new notification must be sent and a copy placed in the generator's file.

(3) If the waste or contaminated soil meets the treatment standard at the original point of generation:

(i) With the initial shipment of waste to each treatment, storage, or disposal facility, the generator must send a one-time written notice to each treatment, storage, or disposal facility receiving the waste, and place a copy in the file. The notice must include the information indicated in column “268.7(a)(3)” of the Generator Paperwork Requirements Table in § 268.7(a)(4) and the following certification statement, signed by an authorized representative:

I certify under penalty of law that I personally have examined and am familiar with the waste through analysis and testing or through knowledge of the waste to support this certification that the waste complies with the treatment standards specified in 40 CFR part 268 subpart D. I believe that the information I submitted is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting a false certification, including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment.

(ii) For contaminated soil, with the initial shipment of wastes to each treatment, storage, or disposal facility, the generator must send a one-time written notice to each facility receiving the waste and place a copy in the file. The notice must include the information in column “268.7(a)(3)” of the Generator Paperwork Requirements Table in § 268.7(a)(4).

(iii) If the waste changes, the generator must send a new notice and certification to the receiving facility, and place a copy in their files. Generators of hazardous debris excluded from the definition of hazardous waste under § 261.3(f) of this chapter are not subject to these requirements.

(4) For reporting, tracking, and recordkeeping when exceptions allow certain wastes or contaminated soil that do not meet the treatment standards to be land disposed: There are certain exemptions from the requirement that hazardous wastes or contaminated soil meet treatment standards before they can be land disposed. These include, but are not limited to case-by-case extensions under § 268.5, disposal in a no-migration unit under § 268.6, or a national capacity variance or case-by-case capacity variance under subpart C of this part. If a generator's waste is so exempt, then with the initial shipment of waste, the generator must send a one-time written notice to each land disposal facility receiving the waste. The notice must include the information indicated in column “268.7(a)(4)” of the Generator Paperwork Requirements Table below. If the waste changes, the generator must send a new notice to the receiving facility, and place a copy in their files.

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