Tier 1.

§ 79.52 Tier 1.

(a) General Specifications. Tier 1 requires manufacturers of designated fuels or fuel additives (or groups of manufacturers pursuant to § 79.56) to supply to the Administrator the identity and concentration of certain emission products of such fuels or additives and any available information regarding the health and welfare effects of the whole and speciated emissions of such fuels or additives. In addition to any information required under § 79.59 and in conformance with the reporting requirements thereof, manufacturers shall provide, pursuant to the timing provisions of § 79.51(c), the following information.

(b) Emissions Characterization. Manufacturers must provide a characterization of the emission products which are generated by evaporation (if required pursuant to § 79.58(b)) and by combustion of the fuel or additive/base fuel mixture in a motor vehicle. For this purpose, manufacturers may perform the characterization procedures described in this section or may rely on existing emission characterization data. To be considered adequate in lieu of performing new emission characterization procedures, the data must be the result of tests using the product in question or using a fuel or additive/base fuel mixture meeting the same grouping criteria as the product in question. In addition, the emissions must be generated in a manner reasonably similar to those described in § 79.57, and the characterization procedures must be adequately performed and documented and must give results reasonably comparable to those which would be obtained by performing the procedures described herein. Reports of previous tests must be sufficiently detailed to allow EPA to judge the adequacy of protocols, techniques, and conclusions. After the manufacturer's submittal of such data, if EPA finds that the manufacturer has relied upon inadequate test data, then the manufacturer will not be considered to be in compliance until the corresponding tests have been conducted and the results submitted to EPA.

(1) General Provisions. (i) The emissions to be characterized shall be generated, collected, and stored according to the processes described in § 79.57. Characterization of combustion and evaporative emissions shall be performed separately on each emission sample collected during the applicable emission generation procedure.

(ii) As provided in § 79.57(d), if the emission generation vehicle/engine is ordinarily equipped with an emission aftertreatment device, then all requirements in this section for the characterization of combustion emissions must be completed both with and without the aftertreatment device in a functional state. The emissions shall be generated three times (on three different days) without a functional aftertreatment device and, if applicable, three times (on three different days) with a functional aftertreatment device, and each such time shall be analyzed according to the remaining provisions in this paragraph (b) of this section.

(iii) Measurement of background emissions: It is required that ambient/dilution air be analyzed for levels of background chemical species present at the time of emissions sampling (for both combustion and evaporative emissions) and that sample values be corrected by substracting the concentrations contributed by the ambient/dilution air. Background chemical species measurement/analysis during the FTP is specified in §§ 86.109-94(c)(5) and 86.135-94 of this chapter.

(iv) Concentrations of emission products shall be reported either in units of grams per mile (g/mi) or grams per brake-horsepower/hour (g/bhp-hr) (for chassis dynamometer and engine dynamometer test configurations, respectively), as well as in units of weight percent of measured total hydrocarbons.

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