Reporting requirements.

§ 79.59 Reporting requirements.

(a) Timing. (1) The manufacturer of each designated fuel or fuel additive shall submit to EPA the basic registration data detailed in paragraph (b) of this section. Forms for submitting this data may be obtained from EPA at the following address: Attn: Fuel/Additives Registration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Mail Code 6405A, Washington, DC 20460.

(i) For existing products (pursuant to § 79.51(c)(1)), manufacturers shall submit the basic registration data as specified in § 79.59(b) to EPA by November 28, 1994.

(ii) For registrable products (pursuant to § 79.51(c)(2)), manufacturers shall submit the basic registration data as specified in § 79.59(b) to apply for registration for such product.

(iii) For new products (pursuant to § 79.51(c)(3)), manufacturers are strongly encouraged to notify EPA of an intent to obtain product registration by submitting the basic registration data as specified in § 79.59(b) prior to starting Tiers 1 and 2.

(2) The information specified in paragraph (c) of this section shall be submitted to the address in paragraph (a)(1) of this section at the conclusion of activities performed in compliance with Tiers 1 and 2 under the provisions of §§ 79.52 and 79.53, according to the time constraints specified in § 79.51 (c) through (d).

(3) The information specified in paragraph (d) of this section shall be submitted to EPA at the address in paragraph (a)(1) of this section at the conclusion of activities performed in compliance with Tier 3 under the provisions of § 79.54.

(b) Basic Registration Data. Each manufacturer of a designated fuel or fuel additive shall submit the following data in regard to such fuel or fuel additive:

(1) The information specified in § 79.11 or § 79.21. If such information has already been submitted to EPA in compliance with subpart B or C of this part, and if such previous information is accurate and up-to-date, the manufacturer need not resubmit this information.

(2) Annual production volume of the fuel or fuel additive product, in units of gallons per year if most commonly sold in liquid form or kilograms per year if most commonly sold in solid form. For fuels and fuel additives already in production, the most recent annual production volume and the volume projected to be produced in the third subsequent year shall be provided. For products not yet in production, the best estimate of expected annual volume during the third year of production shall be provided.

(3) Market distribution of the product. For fuels and bulk additives, this information shall be presented as the percent of total annual sales volume marketed in each Petroleum Administration for Defense District (PADD). The States comprising each PADD are listed in the following section. For aftermarket additives, the distribution data shall be presented as the percent of total annual sales volume marketed in each State. For a product not yet in production, the manufacturer shall present the distribution (by PADD or State, as applicable) projected to occur during the third year of production.

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