Test methods and initial compliance procedures.

§ 63.1365 Test methods and initial compliance procedures.

(a) General. Except as specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the procedures specified in paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) of this section are required to demonstrate initial compliance with § 63.1362(b), (c), (d), (f), and (g), respectively. The provisions in paragraph (a)(1) of this section apply to design evaluations that are used to demonstrate compliance with the standards for process vents and storage vessels. The provisions in paragraph (a)(2) of this section apply to performance tests that are specified in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section. The provisions in paragraph (a)(3) of this section describe initial compliance procedures for flares. The provisions in paragraph (a)(5) of this section are used to demonstrate initial compliance with the alternative standards specified in § 63.1362(b)(6) and (c)(4). The provisions in paragraph (a)(6) of this section are used to comply with the outlet concentration requirements specified in § 63.1362(b)(2)(iv)(A), (b)(3)(ii), (b)(4)(ii)(A), (b)(5)(ii), and (b)(5)(iii).

(1) Design evaluation. To demonstrate that a control device meets the required control efficiency, a design evaluation must address the composition and HAP concentration of the vent stream entering the control device. A design evaluation also must address other vent stream characteristics and control device operating parameters as specified in any one of paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (vii) of this section, depending on the type of control device that is used. If the vent stream is not the only inlet to the control device, the efficiency demonstration also must consider all other vapors, gases, and liquids, other than fuels, received by the control device.

(i) For an enclosed combustion device used to comply with the provisions of § 63.1362(b)(2)(iv), (b)(4)(ii), (c)(2)(iv)(B), or (c)(3) with a minimum residence time of 0.5 seconds and a minimum temperature of 760 °C, the design evaluation must document that these conditions exist.

(ii) For a combustion control device that does not satisfy the criteria in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section, the design evaluation must document control efficiency and address the following characteristics, depending on the type of control device:

(A) For a thermal vapor incinerator, the design evaluation must consider the autoignition temperature of the organic HAP, must consider the vent stream flow rate, and must establish the design minimum and average temperature in the combustion zone and the combustion zone residence time.

(B) For a catalytic vapor incinerator, the design evaluation must consider the vent stream flow rate and must establish the design minimum and average temperatures across the catalyst bed inlet and outlet.

(C) For a boiler or process heater, the design evaluation must consider the vent stream flow rate, must establish the design minimum and average flame zone temperatures and combustion zone residence time, and must describe the method and location where the vent stream is introduced into the flame zone.

(iii) For a condenser, the design evaluation must consider the vent stream flow rate, relative humidity, and temperature, and must establish the maximum temperature of the condenser exhaust vent stream and the corresponding outlet organic HAP compound concentration level or emission rate for which the required reduction is achieved.

(iv) For a carbon adsorption system that regenerates the carbon bed directly onsite in the control device such as a fixed-bed adsorber, the design evaluation must consider the vent stream flow rate, relative humidity, and temperature, and must establish the design exhaust vent stream organic compound concentration level, adsorption cycle time, number of carbon beds and their capacities, type and working capacity of activated carbon used for the carbon beds, design total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow over the period of each complete carbon bed regeneration cycle, design carbon bed temperature after regeneration, design carbon bed regeneration time, and design service life of carbon. For vacuum desorption, the pressure drop must be included.

(v) For a carbon adsorption system that does not regenerate the carbon bed directly onsite in the control device such as a carbon canister, the design evaluation must consider the vent stream mass or volumetric flow rate, relative humidity, and temperature, and must establish the design exhaust vent stream organic compound concentration level, capacity of the carbon bed, type and working capacity of activated carbon used for the carbon bed, and design carbon replacement interval based on the total carbon working capacity of the control device and source operating schedule.

(vi) For a scrubber, the design evaluation must consider the vent stream composition, constituent concentrations, liquid-to-vapor ratio, scrubbing liquid flow rate and concentration, temperature, and the reaction kinetics of the constituents with the scrubbing liquid. The design evaluation must establish the design exhaust vent stream organic compound concentration level and must include the additional information in paragraphs (a)(1)(vi)(A) and (B) of this section for trays and a packed column scrubber.

(A) Type and total number of theoretical and actual trays;

(B) Type and total surface area of packing for entire column, and for individual packed sections if column contains more than one packed section.

(vii) For fabric filters, the design evaluation must include the pressure drop through the device and the net gas-to-cloth ratio (i.e., cubic feet of gas per square feet of cloth).

(2) Calculation of TOC or total organic HAP concentration. The TOC concentration or total organic HAP concentration is the sum of the concentrations of the individual components. If compliance is being determined based on TOC, the owner or operator shall compute TOC for each run using Equation 6 of this subpart. If compliance is being determined based on total organic HAP, the owner or operator shall compute total organic HAP using Equation 6 of this subpart, except that only organic HAP compounds shall be summed; when determining compliance with the wastewater provisions of § 63.1362(d), the organic HAP compounds shall consist of the organic HAP compounds in Table 9 of subpart G of this part.



CGT = total concentration of TOC or organic HAP in vented gas stream, average of samples, dry basis, ppmv CGSi, j = concentration of sample components in vented gas stream for sample j, dry basis, ppmv n = number of compounds in the sample m = number of samples in the sample run.

(3) Initial compliance using flares. When a flare is used to comply with the standards, the owner or operator shall comply with the provisions in § 63.11(b) of subpart A of this part.

(i) The initial compliance determination shall consist of a visible emissions determination using Method 22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, as described in § 63.11(b)(4) of subpart A of this part, and a determination of net heating value of gas being combusted and exit velocity to comply with the requirements of § 63.11(b)(6) through (8) of subpart A of this part. The net heating value and exit velocity shall be based on the results of performance testing under the conditions described in paragraphs (b)(10) and (11) of this section.

(ii) An owner or operator is not required to conduct a performance test to determine percent emission reduction or outlet organic HAP or TOC concentration when a flare is used.

(4) Exemptions from compliance demonstrations. An owner or operator using any control device specified in paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through (ii) of this section is exempt from the initial compliance provisions in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section.

(i) A boiler or process heater with a design heat input capacity of 44 megawatts or greater.

(ii) A boiler or process heater into which the emission stream is introduced with the primary fuel.

(5) Initial compliance with alternative standard. Initial compliance with the alternative standards in § 63.1362(b)(6) and (c)(4) for combustion devices is demonstrated when the outlet TOC concentration is 20 ppmv or less, and the outlet HCl and chlorine concentration is 20 ppmv or less. Initial compliance with the alternative standards in § 63.1362(b)(6) and (c)(4) for noncombustion devices is demonstrated when the outlet TOC concentration is 50 ppmv or less, and the outlet HCl and chlorine concentration is 50 ppmv or less. To demonstrate initial compliance, the owner or operator shall be in compliance with the monitoring provisions in § 63.1366(b)(5) on the initial compliance date. The owner or operator shall use Method 18 to determine the predominant organic HAP in the emission stream if the TOC monitor is calibrated on the predominant HAP.

(6) Initial compliance with the 20 ppmv outlet limit. Initial compliance with the 20 ppmv TOC or total organic HAP concentration is demonstrated when the outlet TOC or total organic HAP concentration is 20 ppmv or less. Initial compliance with the 20 ppmv HCl and chlorine concentration is demonstrated when the outlet HCl and chlorine concentration is 20 ppmv or less. To demonstrate initial compliance, the operator shall use applicable test methods described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (9) of this section, and test under conditions described in paragraph (b)(10) or (11) of this section, as applicable. The owner or operator shall comply with the monitoring provisions in § 63.1366(b)(1) through (5) on the initial compliance date.

(7) Outlet concentration correction for supplemental gases. If supplemental gases are added to a vent stream for which compliance with an outlet concentration standard in § 63.1362 or 63.1363 will be demonstrated, the owner or operator must correct the outlet concentration as specified in paragraphs (a)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Combustion device. Except as specified in § 63.1366(b)(5)(ii)(A), if the vent stream is controlled with a combustion device, the owner or operator must comply with the provisions in paragraphs (a)(7)(i)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) To comply with a TOC or total organic HAP outlet concentration standard in § 63.1362(b)(2)(iv)(A), (b)(4)(ii)(A), (b)(6), (c)(2)(iv)(B), (c)(4), (d)(13), or § 63.172, the actual TOC outlet concentration must be corrected to 3 percent oxygen.

(B) If the inlet stream to the combustion device contains any HCl, chlorine, or halogenated compounds, and the owner or operator elects to comply with a total HCl and chlorine outlet concentration standard in § 63.1362(b)(3)(ii), (b)(5)(ii), (b)(5)(iii), (b)(6), or (c)(4), the actual total HCl and chlorine outlet concentration must be corrected to 3 percent oxygen.

(C) The integrated sampling and analysis procedures of Method 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, shall be used to determine the actual oxygen concentration (%O2d). The samples shall be taken during the same time that the TOC, total organic HAP, and total HCl and chlorine samples are taken. The concentration corrected to 3 percent oxygen (Cd) shall be computed using Equation 7 of this subpart:



Cc = concentration of TOC, total organic HAP, or total HCl and chlorine corrected to 3 percent oxygen, dry basis, ppmv Cm = total concentration of TOC, total organic HAP, or total HCl and chlorine in the vented gas stream, average of samples, dry basis, ppmv %O2d = concentration of oxygen measured in vented gas stream, dry basis, percent by volume.

(ii) Noncombustion devices. If a control device other than a combustion device, and not in series with a combustion device, is used to comply with a TOC, total organic HAP, or total HCl and chlorine outlet concentration standard, the owner or operator must correct the actual concentration for supplemental gases using Equation 8 of this subpart.



Ca = corrected outlet TOC, total organic HAP, or total HCl and chlorine concentration, dry basis, ppmv Cm = actual TOC, total organic HAP, or total HCl and chlorine concentration measured at control device outlet, dry basis, ppmv Va = total volumetric flow rate of affected streams vented to the control device Vs = total volumetric flow rate of supplemental gases.

(b) Test methods and conditions. When testing is conducted to measure emissions from an affected source, the test methods specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (9) of this section shall be used. Compliance and performance tests shall be performed under such conditions as the Administrator specifies to the owner or operator based on representative performance of the affected source for the period being tested and as specified in paragraphs (b)(10) and (11) of this section. Representative conditions exclude periods of startup and shutdown unless specified by the Administrator or an applicable subpart. The owner or operator may not conduct performance tests during periods of malfunction. The owner or operator must record the process information that is necessary to document operating conditions during the test and include in such record an explanation to support that such conditions represent normal operation. Upon request, the owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of performance tests.

(1) Method 1 or 1A of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 shall be used for sample and velocity traverses.

(2) Method 2, 2A, 2C, or 2D of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 shall be used for velocity and volumetric flow rates.

(3) Method 3 of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 shall be used for gas analysis.

(4) Method 4 of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 shall be used for stack gas moisture.

(5) Concentration measurements shall be adjusted to negate the dilution effects of introducing nonaffected gaseous streams into the vent streams prior to control or measurement. The following methods are specified for concentration measurements of organic compounds:

(i) Method 18 of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 may be used to determine HAP concentration in any control device efficiency determination.

(ii) Method 25 of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 may be used to determine total gaseous nonmethane organic concentration for control efficiency determinations in combustion devices.

(iii) Method 25A of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 may be used to determine the HAP or TOC concentration for control device efficiency determinations under the conditions specified in Method 25 of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 for direct measurement of an effluent with a flame ionization detector, or in demonstrating compliance with the 20 ppmv TOC outlet standard. If Method 25A of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 is used to determine the concentration of TOC for the 20 ppmv standard, the instrument shall be calibrated on methane or the predominant HAP. If calibrating on the predominant HAP, the use of Method 25A of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 shall comply with paragraphs (b)(5)(i)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) The organic HAP used as the calibration gas for Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, shall be the single organic HAP representing the largest percent by volume.

(B) The use of Method 25A, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, is acceptable if the response from the high level calibration gas is at least 20 times the standard deviation of the response from the zero calibration gas when the instrument is zeroed on the most sensitive scale.

(C) The span value of the analyzer must be less than 100 ppmv.

(6) The methods in either paragraph (b)(6)(i) or (ii) of this section shall be used to determine the concentration, in mg/dscm, of total HCl and chlorine. Concentration measurements shall be adjusted to negate the dilution effects of introducing nonaffected gaseous streams into the vent streams prior to control or measurement.

(i) Method 26 or 26A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.

(ii) Any other method if the method or data have been validated according to the applicable procedures of Method 301 of appendix A of this part.

(7) Method 5 of appendix A of 40 CFR part 60 shall be used to determine the concentration of particulate matter in exhaust gas streams from bag dumps and product dryers.

(8) Wastewater analysis shall be conducted in accordance with § 63.144(b)(5)(i) through (iii) or as specified in paragraph (b)(8)(i) or (ii) of this section.

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