Monitoring and inspection requirements.

§ 63.1366 Monitoring and inspection requirements.

(a) To provide evidence of continued compliance with the standard, the owner or operator of any existing or new affected source shall install, operate, and maintain monitoring devices as specified in this section. During the initial compliance demonstration, maximum or minimum operating parameter levels, or other design and operating characteristics, as appropriate, shall be established for emission sources that will indicate the source is in compliance. Test data, calculations, or information from the evaluation of the control device design, as applicable, shall be used to establish the operating parameter level or characteristic.

(b) Monitoring for control devices—(1) Parameters to monitor. Except as specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, for each control device, the owner or operator shall install and operate monitoring devices and operate within the established parameter levels to ensure continued compliance with the standard. Monitoring parameters are specified for control scenarios in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) through (xii) of this section, and are summarized in Table 3 of this subpart.

(i) Periodic verification. For control devices that control vent streams containing total HAP emissions less than 0.91 Mg/yr, before control, monitoring shall consist of a periodic verification that the device is operating properly. This verification shall include, but not be limited to, a daily or more frequent demonstration that the unit is working as designed and may include the daily measurements of the parameters described in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) through (xii) of this section. This demonstration shall be included in the Precompliance plan, to be submitted 6 months prior to the compliance date of the standard.

(ii) Scrubbers. For affected sources using liquid scrubbers, the owner or operator shall establish a minimum scrubber liquid flow rate or pressure drop as a site-specific operating parameter which must be measured and recorded at least once every 15 minutes during the period in which the scrubber is controlling HAP from an emission stream as required by the standards in § 63.1362. If the scrubber uses a caustic solution to remove acid emissions, the pH of the effluent scrubber liquid shall also be monitored once a day. The minimum scrubber liquid flow rate or pressure drop shall be based on the conditions under which the initial compliance demonstration was conducted. Alternatively, for halogen scrubbers, the owner or operator may comply with the requirements specified in § 63.994(c).

(A) The monitoring device used to determine the pressure drop shall be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate to within a gage pressure of ±10 percent of the maximum pressure drop measured.

(B) The monitoring device used for measurement of scrubber liquid flowrate shall be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate to within ±10 percent of the design scrubber liquid flowrate.

(C) The monitoring device shall be calibrated annually.

(iii) Condensers. For each condenser, the owner or operator shall establish the maximum condenser outlet gas temperature as a site-specific operating parameter which must be measured and recorded at least once every 15 minutes during the period in which the condenser is controlling HAP from an emission stream as required by the standards in § 63.1362.

(A) The temperature monitoring device must be accurate to within ±2 percent of the temperature measured in degrees Celsius or ±2.5 °C, whichever is greater.

(B) The temperature monitoring device must be calibrated annually.

(iv) Regenerative carbon adsorbers. For each regenerative carbon adsorber, the owner or operator shall comply with the provisions in paragraphs (b)(1)(iv)(A) through (F) of this section.

(A) Establish the regeneration cycle characteristics specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(iv)(A) (1) through (4) of this section under absolute or hypothetical peak-case conditions, as defined in § 63.1365(b)(11)(i) or (ii).

(1) Minimum regeneration frequency (i.e., operating time since last regeneration);

(2) Minimum temperature to which the bed is heated during regeneration;

(3) Maximum temperature to which the bed is cooled, measured within 15 minutes of completing the cooling phase; and

(4) Minimum regeneration stream flow.

(B) Monitor and record the regeneration cycle characteristics specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(iv)(B) (1) through (4) of this section for each regeneration cycle.

(1) Regeneration frequency (i.e., operating time since end of last regeneration);

(2) Temperature to which the bed is heated during regeneration;

(3) Temperature to which the bed is cooled, measured within 15 minutes of the completion of the cooling phase; and

(4) Regeneration stream flow.

(C) Use a temperature monitoring device that is accurate to within ±2 percent of the temperature measured in degrees Celsius or ±2.5 °C, whichever is greater.

(D) Use a regeneration stream flow monitoring device capable of recording the total regeneration stream flow to within ±10 percent of the established value (i.e., accurate to within ±10 percent of the reading).

(E) Calibrate the temperature and flow monitoring devices annually.

(F) Conduct an annual check for bed poisoning in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.

(v) Nonregenerative carbon adsorbers. For each nonregenerative carbon adsorption system such as a carbon canister that does not regenerate the carbon bed directly onsite in the control device, the owner or operator shall replace the existing carbon bed in the control device with fresh carbon on a regular schedule based on one of the following procedures:

(A) Monitor the TOC concentration level in the exhaust vent stream from the carbon adsorption system on a regular schedule, and replace the existing carbon with fresh carbon immediately when carbon breakthrough is indicated. The monitoring frequency shall be daily or at an interval no greater than 20 percent of the time required to consume the total carbon working capacity under absolute or hypothetical peak-case conditions as defined in § 63.1365(b)(11)(i) or (ii), whichever is longer.

(B) Establish the maximum time interval between replacement, and replace the existing carbon before this time interval elapses. The time interval shall be established based on the conditions anticipated under absolute or hypothetical peak-case, as defined in § 63.1365(b)(11)(i) or (ii).

(vi) Flares. For each flare, the presence of the pilot flame shall be monitored at least once every 15 minutes during the period in which the flare is controlling HAP from an emission stream subject to the standards in § 63.1362. The monitoring device shall be calibrated annually.

(vii) Thermal incinerators. For each thermal incinerator, the owner or operator shall monitor the temperature of the gases exiting the combustion chamber as the site-specific operating parameter which must be measured and recorded at least once every 15 minutes during the period in which the combustion device is controlling HAP from an emission stream subject to the standards in § 63.1362.

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