State or Indian Tribal lead-based paint compliance and enforcement programs.

§ 745.327 State or Indian Tribal lead-based paint compliance and enforcement programs.

(a) Approval of compliance and enforcement programs. A State or Indian Tribe seeking authorization of a lead-based paint program can apply for and receive either interim or final approval of the compliance and enforcement program portion of its lead-based paint program. Indian Tribes are not required to exercise criminal enforcement jurisdiction as a condition for program authorization.

(1) Interim approval. Interim approval of the compliance and enforcement program portion of the State or Tribal lead-based paint program may be granted by EPA only once, and subject to a specific expiration date.

(i) To be considered adequate for purposes of obtaining interim approval for the compliance and enforcement program portion of a State or Tribal lead-based paint program, a State or Indian Tribe must, in its application described at § 745.324(a):

(A) Demonstrate it has the legal authority and ability to immediately implement the elements in paragraph (b) of this section. This demonstration shall include a statement that the State or Indian Tribe, during the interim approval period, shall carry out a level of compliance monitoring and enforcement necessary to ensure that the State or Indian Tribe addresses any significant risks posed by noncompliance with lead-based paint activity requirements.

(B) Present a plan with time frames identified for implementing in the field each element in paragraph (c) of this section. All elements of paragraph (c) of this section must be fully implemented no later than 3 years from the date of EPA's interim approval of the compliance and enforcement program portion of a State or Tribal lead-based paint program. A statement of resources must be included in the State or Tribal plan which identifies what resources the State or Indian Tribe intends to devote to the administration of its lead-based paint compliance and enforcement program.

(C) Agree to submit to EPA the Summary on Progress and Performance of lead-based paint compliance and enforcement activities as described at paragraph (d) of this section.

(ii) Any interim approval granted by EPA for the compliance and enforcement program portion of a State or Tribal lead-based paint program will expire no later than 3 years from the date of EPA's interim approval. One hundred and eighty days prior to this expiration date, a State or Indian Tribe shall apply to EPA for final approval of the compliance and enforcement program portion of a State or Tribal lead-based paint program. Final approval shall be given to any State or Indian Tribe which has in place all of the elements of paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section. If a State or Indian Tribe does not receive final approval for the compliance and enforcement program portion of a State or Tribal lead-based paint program by the date 3 years after the date of EPA's interim approval, the Administrator shall, by such date, initiate the process to withdraw the State or Indian Tribe's authorization pursuant to § 745.324(i).

(2) Final approval. Final approval of the compliance and enforcement program portion of a State or Tribal lead-based paint program can be granted by EPA either through the application process described at § 745.324(a), or, for States or Indian Tribes which previously received interim approval as described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, through a separate application addressing only the compliance and enforcement program portion of a State or Tribal lead-based paint program.

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