Renovation: State and Tribal program requirements.

§ 745.326 Renovation: State and Tribal program requirements.

(a) Program elements. To receive authorization from EPA, a State or Tribal program must contain the following program elements:

(1) For pre-renovation education programs, procedures and requirements for the distribution of lead hazard information to owners and occupants of target housing and child-occupied facilities before renovations for compensation.

(2) For renovation training, certification, accreditation, and work practice standards programs:

(i) Procedures and requirements for the accreditation of renovation and dust sampling technician training programs. A State and Tribal program is not required to include procedures and requirements for the dust sampling technician training discipline if the State or Tribal program requires dust sampling to be performed by a certified lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor.

(ii) Procedures and requirements for accredited initial and refresher training for renovators and dust sampling technicians and on-the-job training for other individuals who perform renovations.

(iii) Procedures and requirements for the certification of individuals and/or firms.

(iv) Requirements that all renovations be conducted by appropriately certified individuals and/or firms.

(v) Work practice standards for the conduct of renovations.

(3) For all renovation programs, development of the appropriate infrastructure or government capacity to effectively carry out a State or Tribal program.

(b) Pre-renovation education. To be considered at least as protective as the Federal program, the State or Tribal program must:

(1) Establish clear standards for identifying renovation activities that trigger the information distribution requirements.

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